posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 05:39 PM
I've been reading and following the increasing groundswell of unrest among the people here on ATS, as well as many other sites - both mainstream and
alternative. There simply is no denying that people are reaching the tipping point in regards to what the government is doing and the inability of the
populace to do anything about it. The sudden rise (and fall) of the Tea Party is evidence of this, as is the popularity of people like Palin and Ron
Paul. People are looking for a way out or at least a way around the current system. This is the primo-defacto reason Obama was elected. People are so
desperate for "change" that they were sucked in to the hype - myself included, regrettably.
I read this morning the thread on ATS entitled "Why don't we all just leave?" and I was incensed! Why don't we leave??!!? Because that would be
defeat! Leaving is the coward's way out. The easy way. Even worse - the act of leaving ensures that the problem, the cancer, will continue to fester
and destroy the lands that you and I love.
Everyone seems to have the desire. There's obviously money there - the American population is one of the wealthiest in the world, and were there a
viable movement, I have no doubt that it would be exceptionally well-funded. We are also well armed and out-gun the military with ease. This all begs
the question - why has nothing been done?
I am not talking about a movement using the standard political avenues. I am talking about the real deal - an organized, methodically planned and
executed takeover of the Capitol building and our government.
What this movement needs is firstly, a leader or a team of people with a clear, concise vision on what is broken and what it will take to effectively
produce the change that is desperately needed in Washington. If this message can reach the people of this nation, and if the people accept it -
success is certain.
If the people shun the movement, it is doomed from the start. The fastest way to LOSE support of the people is needless violence and loss of life.
"Running-and-gunning" is something that the American people will not tolerate - and it's pretty damn stupid, to boot.
I've got ideas and I am sure you do too. There are thousands - MILLIONS of hard working Americans that love their country and what it stands for, and
they've all got ideas.
Some of mine?
- Eliminate every single corporate dollar from the process. Allowing corporations to peddle their desires at the very cradle of our government can
only skew the government to those very corporations. Allowing corporate dollars to "speak" in elections is absurd.
- Immediate and total withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq. We've lost enough of our sons and daughters. If they want our assistance, we can work out
a rate card for our services. Protection won't come cheap, though. I am thinking that mineral rights to ALL of Iraq's oil for 100 years would be a
good start.
- Mandatory "wage-tariff" on all imports. This means a 30% tariff on all China imports. Yes - that'll really hurt, but it will bring jobs back to
the US. They'll in-turn, slap one on us, but it'll hurt them far worse. They've been waging economic warfare on the people of the U.S. for far too
- Let Israel stand on it's own without lobbing insults while hiding behind the might of the United States. If you kick the hornet's nest, Israel -
be prepared to get stung.
- If our allies ARE ATTACKED, then - and only then - do we get involved.
- A total, thorough, methodical crackdown on the banking system and the investment system. Deconstruct both systems from the top down. Prosecute
wherever a crime is committed to the fullest extent.
- Gather the best financial minds in the world and construct a fair and equitable tax system. Taxes are necessary - get used to it. (You'll thank me
when your house catches on fire...) The current system is a mockery of justice.
There are others. Some good, some not - but hey, at least I've got some. What are yours?
The key? The missing piece? ONE military general to buy in to the movement. If there's one, there's more. If this movement has the support of our
brave men and women in uniform, we will become unstoppable and the REAL change this nation is desperate for is but a few painful months away.
The leader of this movement and his/her advisors, the team, gathers with the military support and looks at the calendar. When is the next time that
Congress is in session? Better yet - when is the next time that Congress, the President and the Vice President are all in Washington?
That's when the movement starts.
EDIT - I originally had a detailed rundown of how a 'bloodless coup' could be executed, but I don't want to have the FBI knocking on my door.
Although given the tone and content of this message, that may already be a certainty.... Regardless, there is more than one way to pull this off. With
the might of the people behind it - it's success is guaranteed.
I am to the point where I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen. Ideas? I've got plenty. I've got some money. I've got two hands.
I've got desire. I look at my two daughters and fear for the nation that they will grow up in if the status quo is allowed to continue and it pains
me. It pains me enough that I would willingly shed my own blood to ensure a better nation for them.
So I ask again - what are yours ideas? What do you want to change?
What are YOU willing to do about it?
I'm on the record. It's your turn.
[edit on 7/11/2010 by atlguy]