posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 03:39 PM
Prove it ATS. Prove to me that you are not a slave. Quit.
Do it however you like.
Just don't wake up one day and say, “screw it. I quit." or give them your little notice for when you see that I am right. Or balls up walk
straight up to your "boss" and say, "I quit." just like that.
Or you can be creative. Whatever. The bottom line is, see how long it takes you to bitch up and go running back to your precious little "job."
See exactly what it is that they have used to make you dependant on their little system.
Is it food? Shelter? Drugs, boos, cigarettes, entertainment, car payments, insurance, court fines? What about medicine? Or food for your children?
What exactly will it be ATS that causes you to punk up and go crawling back to that desk, or stove, or truck or whatever other tool they have you
assigned to.
Of course there are arguments for working other than the ones I have listed. For example, you could say "I work for progress. If nobody worked, there
would be no progress and we would all burn out and fade away without ever seeing, doing, or knowing anything.
While that scenario is a sound one, it's just not the case, Is it?
For me, it was food for my son, shelter, and court fines.
What will it be for you?
You are a slave. Prove you're not. Quit.