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World Peace...a whole lot of love!

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posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 01:41 PM
Howdy ATS! I decided to start this thread in an effort to begin a little chat on the subject of world peace. I am placing this in the predictions forum because ultimately this thread will end with my prediction of when this will come to pass.

So....I have noticed of late a bunch of folks that I like to refer to as the "cat's and the cow's", whom insist that we will reach a global peaceful state by stretching and reaching inward to awaken ourselves to the reaility that they most vigorously boast to be privy to. Some awesome understanding of "everything"...Mooooo

Pressing onward... Nukes are pointed at one another in an attempt to deter the other chunk of land from getting in thier business. IMO we will never have a condition of world peace as long as we are trapped here on earth. The picture is what it is...right here in our atmosphere.

We will not truly come together as a planet and a race until we are able to exit the solar system... Travel the galaxy and beyond.

Then it will not be a vision of China and the USA but a vision of Earth and Nibiru.

Of course peace wont be achieved because the pattern will just repeat itself on a greater scale. I highly doubt once we get out there in the intergalactic realm that we will find the "aliens" hanging out on starships that shoot rose petals at eachother and singing love songs...

Good thing we practiced a bit at home before we discovered the warp drive eh?

Anyway, there you have it folks. My prediction of a peaceful earth all joined together....when we have to defend our planetary interests against a universe full of more of the same stuff we deal with here today..


The End.

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by ATC_GOD

Good thing we practiced a bit at home before we discovered the warp drive eh?

Well, this also may be what drew their attention to us, so buyer beware.

And yes, one route to a unified peaceful planet would be a successful campaign against the evil aliens...

But come on, an assumption here, but if they can travel here just to engage us in war, we are probably screwed big time.

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 01:52 PM
Tis a nice gesture and reminds of Kucinich's proposal of creating a Department of Peace. I always hope for peaceful negotiations and well, just applying the golden rule seems to help bring peace to fruition.
On the reality side of things, I think overall the people in our world want peace, but the leaders have different goals in mind....profit and ownership.
So in order for a desire for peace to reach the upper echelons of power, it must be profitable in some way? I know that sounds crazy, but.....
Anyway, I am always reminded of Chomsky's book Profits Before People and I think the drive for attainment of goods and land too often trumps what may bring peace to others.
This is why I am grateful for the internet, the last frontier of freedom and communication between the "public." And perhaps the greatest avenues for peace to spread.

Nice post

[edit on 10-7-2010 by speculativeoptimist]

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by speculativeoptimist
On the reality side of things, I think overall the people in our world want peace, but the leaders have different goals in mind....profit and ownership.
So in order for a desire for peace to reach the upper echelons of power, it must be profitable in some way? I know that sounds crazy, but.....

Very true and I dont find your thoughts crazy in the least. Folks can stand on their rooftops screaming "Just love each other! Namaste peace unto you all!" until they drop, but until one of the "big dogs" thinks it will benefit know.

There is always the warp drive though!

Thanks for your thoughts!

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by facelift

And yes, one route to a unified peaceful planet would be a successful campaign against the evil aliens...

Im glad you agree! To me its all about perspective here. As long as we are stuck looking across the pond/border at one another sitting here on this "rock". We will be suspicious and self-serving towards one another.

Thanks for your reply!

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