posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 12:54 PM
I'm going to repeat myself, but as long as we keep talking to that idiot Matt Simmons I'm going to continue to post. Matt Simmons is a banker at
best & a journalist at worst. His technical assessments are complete nonsense. I've been drilling oil & gas wells for 30 years and I am a registered
professional petroleum engineer.
First, Simmons stated that the well is 18,000' below the sea floor. That's wrong it's 18,000' below the sea surface.
He has stated that the bottomhole pressure is 60,000-100,000 psi. That is ludicrous. The bottohole pressure at most is 13,000 psi. The well was static
to run casing and attempt to cement with 14#/gallon mud. Look up other threads this equates to 13,099 psi.
The flow rates he estimates are from complete ignorance again. The flow rate is limited by the Darcy equation for fluid flow through porous media. The
equation is Q(stbopd)=7.083 X K X H X (Pe- Pw)/(V X ln(Re/Rw) X Bo)
Q= stock tank barrels per day
K= permeability of formation-darcies
H= thickness of reservoir- feet
Pe= reservoir pressure @ external boundary-psi
Pw= pressure in wellbore- psi
V= viscosity of oil- centipoise
Re= radius to external boundary of reservoir-feet
Rw= radius of wellbore-ft
Bo= formation volume factor-reservoir bbls/stock tank bbl
I can make reasonable estimates of the unknown variables and input. Big variable is the permeability of the formation. Therefore the flow rate is
around 90,000 X K. I have never seen permeabilty exceed 1.0 darcy below 10,000' of depth due to compaction of overburden. Therefore, the maximum flow
rate is 90,000 stbopd. Probability exists that it's less.
His ignorance about the casing that will prevent the relief wells from working is also stupid. We drill thousands of feet of open hole without casing
a well. The drilling mud keeps the hole open and stable without having to be cased. His comments about a procedure that has been done hundreds of
times before only further demonstrates his complete lack of technical expertise. I can guarantee he has never taken differential equations.
Finally, the nuclear option is total nonsense. We are supposed to solve the problem with a nuke, because the Russians did it. Does anyone remember a
little problem they had at Chernobyl. I have worked in the Russian oil fields. Let me assure you that the oilfiled technology in Russia isn't much
better. Certainly something we don't want to emulate.