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Mexican Truck Ban Sparks Trade War

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posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:06 PM

Mexican Truck Ban Sparks Trade War

As the new cast member in this over-acted drama, the Obama Administration was greeted with trade sanctions in the form of increased tariffs on 90 US products exported to Mexico. The White House has let it be known the new president wants to work with Congress to restore the controversial program that allowed Mexican trucks to begin making deliveries beyond the border commercial zone. That program was started in 2007 when then Transportation Secretary Mary Peters announced a one-year pilot project to allow 100 Mexican carriers to provide door-to-door delivery service from Mexico into the US
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:06 PM
Dang it, I could have sworn I took the red pill. I guess it could have been the blue one. Or was it the purple? Either way I am apparently hallucinating. It appears to me in this bizarre, otherworldly trance that the president of the United States, in a one week period, decided to sue the State of Arizona over their immigration law, and put a ban on all Mexican trucks doing business in the U.S., which is currently protected by NAFTA guidelines. It is very apparent he did this on behalf of the Unions (what is new). Though it makes another, very interesting, very scary point: The only commerce that President Obama is in support of between the United States and Mexico, is of the illegal variety. He will do everything he can to not support our borders, to in-fact decline support to border states that are being threatened by cartels, and not only turn a blind eye but do his best to support the criminals who are already here by granting them all amnesty. All this just to pick up the Latino vote? I don’t think so. I think there is much more to it than that. This new attack against Mexico, which he knew would cause new tariffs on the goods that come North, is just one more DELIBERATE way to try to tear down the U.S. Economy. He already has us on the brink. This is just one more jab before the coming knock out punch. Damn good job destroying the nation! You can’t have just come up with these ideas off the top of your head, this had to have been planned, in very radical, very anti-American circles for years if not decades.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:19 PM
About time!

Hopefully our dummies in congress get the idea!


posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:23 PM
Nope, I checked, it was the blue pill, Unfortunately this is reality.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:38 PM
Yes I agree this is unreal, the gov is doing the exact opposite of what they to do and follow AZ's lead. Since it is clear by their lack of response followed by poor response, that they either a: don't care or b:as you said, are benefiting from the flow of illegals and drugs into this country causing a great deal of the problems we now face. , now with the current stance of the W.H. the world is laughing at us. Where is the public outcry?

And I can't believe the way some of these cities like L.A. have responded to this. Is it because of funding they receive for having the illegals or some other benefit? I just don't understand the reasoning behind their actions.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:50 PM
...Let me see....

Your article is from 2009. Furthermore this is an issue about NAFTA where the US hasn't lived up to its end of the deal.

In early 2009, Mexico slapped tariffs on 89 U.S. products worth about $2.4 billion in retaliation for a U.S. decision to cancel a cross-border program for Mexican truckers.

The North American Free Trade Agreement required the U.S. to grant Mexican trucks full access by January 2000, but domestic opposition stymied that opening

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by BrokenCar

You better believe it. Although it is for different reasons than you might think, especially in California. Start looking up different cities in Southern California (one of the biggest states in our country). Look at the race percentages in these cities and then you will get some idea of the issue. It is not about money for the states, it is about the political clout that can not be ignored of the "Majority" mexican population that live in this state. You also have to realize that illegals, specifically ones that are affraid, and do not speak english, are not about to take the census. Based on the fact that their very well may at this point be 30,000,000 illegal immigrants in this country, automatically take the forementioned statistics and multiply them by two. No they are not taking the census, but they are definitely using their forged and bought paperwork to vote every chance they get. If Los Angeles polititians did not take an extremely harsh stance on Arizona's laws, and instead supported them, they would not only be giving up elections, many of them would in fact have to fear for their lives on a daily basis from retribution. It really is that bad there. Just google, MS13, Soreignios, or La Familia. As someone who knows from experience, I would never move back there.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:57 PM
States just need to tell the feds F off , take the guard troops and defend there own state boarders.. and then tell citizens to not pay federal taxes.. then adopt there own state currency thats real money and backed by commodities like gold silver copper etc..

The citizens would immediately get a nice boost in there pay checks and the economy would prosper and states rights would become what they should be.

We don't need a federal government for anything and it would promote competition between states for better lives for the citizens in those states..

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by jam321

I was watching several MSM breaking news alerts, this was the only article I could find and "rush in". I know bad on my part. But please look up the truck Ban that took place THIS WEEK, which provided for these new tarrifs. Will put out new documents as soon as they hit different sites.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by E-ville

I agree with you, BUT, you'd better make sure your state has a BIG reserve of gold and silver to back the economy as a whole, because most if not all, do not.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by E-ville

Though on a side note, I do believe that Colorado, South Dakota and Alaska would be able to print their own currency, backed by the oil that the government could no longer tell them they couldn't drill. I also believe this currency would make the dollar look like the useless paper which in fact it is, considering it is backed by absolutely nothing other than future labor. Anybody who thinks Fort Knox has even one ounce of gold left in it is saddly dissolusioned. Our currency is currently backed by nothing but debt to other countries and our land, (which we may have to give up, if our debts are ever called in).

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 11:30 PM
The problem is the NAFTA guidelines state that the trucks must meet US safely rules and the drivers must abide by all US drivers rules and laws.

The Mexican trucking companies did none of this.

Trucks were red tagged and inspection stations for being unsafe
drivers were found not to have the proper log books. found hauling cargo they were not licensed to haul.(Haz materials.) the list goes on.ECT ECT

A large number of Mexican drivers failed drug testing or were driving with health conditions that are not allowed. Taking medications that are not allowed.

And the Mexican government did nothing but complain when the trucks were stopped.

Plus the drug cartels were continually trying to use these truck to bring in drugs and to take drug money out of the US.

[edit on 9-7-2010 by ANNED]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by ANNED

So instead of doing a thorough inspection of each truck, like we already should have been doing, we are simply going to ban them completely? You do realize that the tarrifs Mexico can impose, can cuse all "Made in Mexico" products unaffordable, and therefore cripple the U.S. companies who import these goods? Not to mention during this economic toilet that we are in, can we really afford to make it more difficuld on any U.S. buisness? I wonder how many additional people will be laid off this week for this issue alone, thousands? Hundreds of thousands? This is another blatant attack on our economy from within. Although I guess it would be far better that we only deal with China, that way they can continue to slowly kill us through their imported "accidentally poisoned" products. TPTB would be proud and cheering.

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by ANNED

P.S. Your signature slogan makes me seriously smile. I ask permission to make a T-shirt (only one, for me), although I'd be happy to send you one as well.

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