I work as a volunteer for 2 days a week for a local charity.
The boss and some others who are associates with the chairman appreciate my work and include me in office meetings where we discuss how to put more
efficient systems in place and I work by myself a lot, devising better ways to record and present information.
Recently, the boss has been off for over a month, having had an operation, and the office manager is now off sick too,
This leaves me with someone who I just find difficult to work with. He has an objection to being 'dragged into' the sort of work I do to the point
that, even when he has information that would help me do my job, he won't share it. Recently he was at a meeting that was held when I wasn't there
and wouldn't impart any information about it.
If I ask a question, sometimes he tells me point blank that he won't help me.
On the rare occasion when we have discussed things, it's been very helpful. A lot of what I do is for his benefit and should make his working life
easier. But, psychic as I am, there are some things that I'd need to be Nostrodamus to fathom out
I'm not a 'people person' and I don't know how to deal with this. Even though I am appreciated by people further up in the hierarchy, I cannot
work like this. I will be falling on my sword next week.
I know I could complain about him and probably something would be done about it, but i don't know how I'd face him or deal with him afterwards.
I know I will not be able to confront him, so my confidence is taking a knock. Yet another situation that I will walk away from rather than confront
I worked for a very difficult boss for a long time, but she was paying me to put up with her. It makes a difference.
At the moment, I'm coming home feeling like rubbish after sacrificing time that I could have spent at home with my dog.
I don't know if this is quite on topic as I know where I stand with some people. And I know that I stand entirely somewhere else with this particular
I think I just needed to write it all down. After all, if I say I will be giving them my notice next week, then I'll have to do it