On another post (
www.abovetopsecret.com...) the difference between creationism, a so-called Fundamentalist
Christian teaching, and creation a Biblical teaching, were differentiated, and it was brought to the attention of the reader that it appears a
conspiracy has transpired among many Bible bashers. Finding it convenient to clump together anyone that believes in the Bible with these right-wing
religious extremists, they are doing quite the same thing their so-called counterparts do. Both groups are extreme in their thinking, and being
close-minded, they allow no room for differing views from what their narrow-minded understanding of the world is.
A quick cursory glance through some of the comments made to that post will bear out this fact. Such as one who said that the word yohm for day from
Hebrew cannot be translated any other way except for a literal day in the Genesis account. While there is no proof of this, and much proof to the
contrary, the holder of this idea was so dogmatic about it, he refused to reason, or go any further. And another poster who called your servant a
couple of derogatory names for pointing out the differences between Creationism and the Biblical account of creation, and basically went on to repeat
what I said, agreeing with me.
It has become apparent to me, that the two mind-sets are so similar, that only the differing views of whether there is a God or not separate them.
While the one is dogmatic on its view that the Bible must be taken literally, so those who have taken fully part in the creationist bashing, allow no
room for differing views of the Bible either. They are both extreme in their thinking, and are usually noted for their brash, haughty, rude, and
arrogant behavior that exudes towards anyone not agreeing with their viewpoints.
This is not to say that this extremist, close-minded view is restricted to them. It has become apparent to this observer that this mind-set is
actually part of the makeup of a large majority of mankind, and one can see it in almost any religious or irreligious group on earth. It has more to
do with arrogance, and an ‘I can’t be wrong’ attitude than with what the person actually believes.
It has also been my experience that the more a person is learned of a subject the more tolerant and broad-minded he becomes. That is the more
experienced and wise a person, the more understanding, patient, and tolerant he is of others and their beliefs. And a truly wise person comes to the
conclusion that most of us are wrong about most of the things most of the time. That is one of the reasons we have so many problems on this earth.
To be tolerant one needs humility. That is one needs to be able to lower himself and view others as superior to himself. And one needs to be
teachable. In fact it is usually the person that thinks he knows it all who knows least. And it is usually hardest to reason or argue with the most
ignorant; no matter how educated they appear, for they assume they already know more than everyone else. Thus since they know it all, they cannot
learn. Since they do not learn, they remain in ignorance, whilst assuming they are enlightened, they look down upon others with differing views.
It is usually the open mind who understands the more it takes in, that the less it understands. And the more it takes in knowledge, the more it
realizes that it doesn’t know. This is the one that is guided, not on the basis of proud arrogance, or narrow-minded upbringing. But it is noble
in its thinking, broad in its grasp of things. Tolerant in its approach to that which may be different from itself.
I actually started this thread off to post on another subject that I find quite interesting, but turned this into a rant. So will have to go and make
another thread about that subject.