posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:55 AM
As a parent with children in public schools, I can certainly vouch for the utter stupidity of American public school administers and teachers.
I was in a principal's office, advocating for my child against a bully. I was told by her (and I do quote word for word here) "We don't have any
bullies here at Hawethorne...We have active children." Really?! That principal didn't like me very much after that.
My boys aren't allowed to be boys any longer. Mistakes that got me put on a wall for recess earn them suspensions that go on permanent records.
As for the idea that a perv is skulking in...PLEASE! Your kids can be watched the grocery store, at church, at the pool, playing in your
front yard.
The school rec room is not an ideal place for a perv to recon your kids, not to mention it's a very monitored and safe location with teachers
Having kids in grade school myself,I think background checking parents is an utterly foolish waste of taxpayer money, and totally not surprising
coming from the brilliant minds of modern educators.
Also: Are they background checking the moms who show up? Dollars to donuts they aren't!