posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 09:12 PM
Wherever you are, or whatever you are going through, remember. You are a liberated being. In a place of choice you now carry on. As much as you may
blame others for your plight it is your decision to stand, stay and be where you are. They cannot be blamed, because they are not conscious of what
they are doing. They know not what they do. Celebrate your awakened state. Be who you are in everything you do, every situation you find yourself
You only have one life, in a certain sense. Not saying there is no afterlife, but for the time being at least this is true. There are a million
possibilities, realities. You have dreamed more than you can remember. Yet, there is only one life in a certain sense. This is made clear when put
up against the possibilities period.
If you feel trapped, it is your own doing. This can be a good thing to realize, not always a bad thing. Maybe you have done this for moral reasons,
maybe it is on your conscience. Just do not let the situation and society make you feel trapped. You are in the trap by your own choice and thus the
power is truly yours. However bad it may be, do not resort to blame. Remember by whose power it is that you stay and fight the good fight.
Remember that you are not alone in this. While it may seem that your actions are small or futile, remember that they are carried out from an ultimate
standpoint. Rejoice in your freedom in this, and stop living a lie that tells you that you are truly trapped. The point is to remember where the
power is, in your own choices, nobody stole anything from you.
We are only trapped when looking from a certain perspective. Whatever reason we stay in a place of limitation it is because we find it more than
worth it to do so. We are not trapped, we have made the choices that led us here (whatever our station in life). It is ok to be unhappy with where
we are, just do not forget who we are, and by what power we truly arrived at it. Do not forget who holds the true power over our lives (and by that I
do not necessarily mean God, but I also mean ourselves individually).