What if one day we realized that we never lost our rights? That our freedoms are our own, that TPTB don't have a leg to stand on? That if we stood
collectively in just days we can have everything back the way its was meant to be?
By creating our own form of "shock and awe", we as beings on this planet, stand for the rights that our ancestors have fought and died for, that no
matter what your belief system is, freedom is what WE all have in common. What if we stood collectively and used the current system to not only fight
the impending doom to our lives, our parents lives, our children's lives, but WIN hands down.
Here's one of the numerous ways to do this.
1. Learn the law.
Learn the difference between contractual law/verbal agreements/wordplay/illegal and unlawful.
Here are some link to help with this.
2.Speak up, the greatest way for you to be heard, is to speak loudly.
YOU ARE FREE, when you are asked if you understand, you say NO, I do not "stand under".
Here are some sites to learn how to use the language of the natural person in everyday conversation.
Signs and signal are very important.
Have the confidence to carry yourself as a free person, know your rights, we have allowed for to long those who thought were our representatives, to
carry out not the removal of our rights, but the lack of information for us to carry ourselves in a manner to which we have failed to become
accustomed to. Re-educate yourself.
4.Slavery and the Eight Veils.
This is just a small summary of the levels in which some of us in, or coming into. As far as awakening, and the failure of some who refuse to except
the truth,
5.Our fake financial obedience, submission, and fallacies of money.
We have been taught our true happiness will depend on our bank accounts, well, that is completely false. We have the right to happiness without a
monetary system. We should have the right to live, eat, and be fruitful, without the eyes of the system, penetrating our very core of existence.
Here is a book by Mary Croft that has helped me and those Ive shared it with as far as what our monetary system is truly made of, or lacking I should
say, but even with these obvious lies, we feed the money machine with our blood sweat and tears.
If we took all of our misconceptions about one another, and instead of hating someone for not having what you have or believing in what you do, open a
window for them to learn, to observe, to want to make a difference. We spend so much time pointing out each others differences, we lose out on
sharing, and giving to someone what is needed by most and protested by TPTB, and that to me is communication. Not the internet, because believe it or
not, its not always good to surround yourself with ONLY others that see what you see, but to involve yourself in the lives of those who cannot see.
I don't think that the asleep refuse to awake. I think that sometimes its the awake who can push someone away from the truth. Truth seekers can some
times be abrasive, or argumentative, and since we sometimes only discuss this with others like ourselves, we cannot see the opening of learning, as
well as teaching.
Of course this may not be inline with what a lot of you may think, but its my opinion, and I wrote this from the heart. Those of us that are here,
know the game, but still play by the rules of others, not knowing that the game is our lives, and losing is not an option.
Peace to you...