posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 08:12 AM
I have been reading this website for several months with interest. Some of the content I have read is interesting, some scary, some disturbing and
some downright ridiculous, but for the most part the people on here appear to be intelligent, polite, curious individuals. I considered joining
several times but never did it, because there wasn't much for me to provide an opinion on, considering that I live in South Australia, far away from
the worlds events and I had not had any unusual experiences. Until now anyway.
For the last month I have gone outside every night and looked at the sky, both to check for abnormal objects and because the sky, especially here, is
beautiful. Tonight however I saw something, it's been reported quite often actually.
I'll tell a story, I suppose, because I want to know what it was. I can't post this in the proper forum because I don't have twenty posts and I
don't like spamming threads I'm not really interested in to get the twenty.
For the last two weeks, I have noticed a bright light in a specific area of the sky, always in the same spot. Not every night, perhaps every two or
three. I thought it was a planet, and that it vanishing could be explained by something that I am unaware of. In hindsight I realise that it actually
vanished at about 9:30pm every night, if I checked the sky after then it wasn't there. I walk my dog at night sometimes and I did notice that it was
flickering on the 2nd of July. That in itself was odd. It was gone later that night, just vanished.
Anyway, tonight (7th) I went outside, and it was there as usual, sitting there, looking like a planet, I didn't pay much attention as I thought it
was normal. I went outsidee later on at about 9:30pm and then I saw it, this "planet" was flashing, it went very bright, then very dim, I watched it
and then noticed it was moving, it moved to the left horizontally and then I noticed that it was hovering. Then it moved, I thought it was a
helicopter, but it was far too fast, the thing went right by my house and I finally saw it. A black triangle, with about 8 lights on the back of it,
all different colours, flashing rapidly. It was extremely fast, much faster than any plane, and it was either flying very low, or it was gigantic. I
didn't have enough time to find a camera, and I was too amazed to even think about finding one. It was gone about 30 seconds after it started
I don't know if it was an ET ship or a military one, It may be miltary, as there's an air base quite close to my house, but I've never heard of a
plane being disguised as a star before. If this thing is man made it's far ahead of any technology we currently use. What shocked me is that I have
seen this thing multiple times, but it wasn't moving the other times. I have no doubts that it's the same thing, because this star/planet vanishes
every night it appears and I saw this thing move and I saw that it was a black triangular craft.
So, any ideas? (Again, I know this isn't the right forum, but I want to put this in writing while the details are fresh.)