Hello all, I check at least briefly each day if not reading for hours. Excellent source of real time info as it happens as well as in depth analysis
of.....everything? Just about eh.
I noticed something today that folks might find notable. CNN is reporting the queen spoke in NYC today. In a separate CNN item it was pointed out that
it is 18 months into the obama administration. I try and note things that show up in news items that are seemingly unrelated due to context or maybe
the puzzle piece is three or four stories apart.
The point here is that the queen spoke in NYC 18 months into the obama presidency = 666.
welcome to ATS it's addictive isn't it? like you said it's a great source of real time information, you might have to sift through a bit of crap to
get it but it's there. there's plenty of helpful members on the site so don't hesitate to ask, I'm sure some of them will be on to welcome you
soon enough and offer there assistance. so what topics interests you most here on ATS?