posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:17 PM
i love how you speak of overthrowing as if its some casual option.
all of that sounds well and good if you have the ability to overthrow them (or just walk away and join some other dictator more to your liking)
the problem is monarchs/dictators tend to spend all their time and energy consolidating power and ensuring their subjects do not even have the ability
to overthrow them.
with a monarchy, your subject to the morality of the dictator, so if he one day decides to take his subjects back to the dark ages, theres no official
way out.
even simply trying to organize a resistance to overthrow can become damning.
the monarchy system leaves society open to being completely hijacked, more so than a democracy, because in a democracy theres always an official way
out. in a democracy the system is much larger therefore much harder to completely hijack.
everything your saying only apply to SOME nations in our current times. but what about places like NK, cuba, etc....
or how about Europe for the majority of its may seem like times have changed and that may be true, but the system has not and it can
revert back to king luis style at any given moment, and then everybody is screwed.
tell me exactly how england would overthrow their current monarchs if they so decided right now? its not even an option their rulers have such a tight
grip on society. and what would they use, pitchforks??? most monarchs dont even allow weapons for this very reason.