posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 07:06 PM
Hm. I should hope so.
I learned at a very young age that when you need to call upon certain information, you will draw upon the information that you have put in your brain,
for use. So you need to be cautious about what information you put there.
I indulge in mindless threads from time to time because I enjoy them. ATS can have some really fun theads. There are some people on ATS who make me
laugh almost daily.
On the otherhand, there is information here at times I don't want to have in my head. Those sometimes I find irresistible to glance at, and
sometimes even post. But my posting history would reveal that I don't stick around long on those. (Hater's, bigot's, warmongerers, and the
I'm in and out, because I don't want the thoughts of those people in my head.
But for the most part, ATS is a wealth of ideas, information, and opinions I very much value. If that were not evident, I wouldn't be here so often.