I hope everyone isn't too tired to see one more review of the original Matrix movie. This review is good because Stuart Wilde has really traveled
outside our matrix reality and can speak from experience. His observations are priceless!
For more on the matrix read
hIs latest book, God's Gladiators
The Matrix
Stuart Wilde
The filmmakers, the Wachowski brothers, were inspired from another world in my view.
What is so quirky is that in the 10-D worlds that I am familiar with, there is a Matrix-like battle taking place that the storyline of the film
follows very accurately.
The Matrix is a modern Bible story, in that it tells the time-old story of the death and the resurrection of the initiate, who becomes the savior.
It isn�t a particularly feminine film in that it is rather violent and high-tech. But everyone on the spiritual path should see it.
It will teach you about the morphe and the state of our humanity, as seen from a transdimensional view. The premise of the film says that the world is
controlled by transdimensional beings who have installed a computer-generated program around humanity that effectively throws a net of absolute
control over us.
The filmmaker�s rendition of the computer-generated matrix as green symbols that tumble down a computer screen is a fairly good effort. In the 10-D
morphe, I have seen the matrix as a series of dots, they seem perfectly spaced out, and they permeate a room from front to back, floor to ceiling. In
the Matrix, the unseen controllers of humanity have a police force called, �Agents�.
Morpheus, the father figure in the film, talks of the power of the agents saying,� they are the gatekeepers; they are guarding all the doors. They are
holding all the keys." This is true in our world. Even though almost no one knows it and few would accept it.
Here in the etheric of this dimension, there are entities all around us, they are the masters of our human evolution, and they feed orders to the
controllers of this world.
Our leaders are puppets of a demonic power, one that is all around us. The etheric ghouls are everywhere. They are very secretive and they have a vast
numerical superiority.
Have you ever wondered why, whenever you tried to break out of restriction it seemed like the world was against you?
When you embarked on a plan that was holy and good, unexplainable things went wrong, or someone got in the middle of your plan and did their best to
make sure your failed, or at least they acted to make sure your journey was uphill all the way.
It�s them�the etheric ghouls, sending in their human foot soldiers, to make sure there are no exits for humanity.
If these things happened to you I feel sorry for you, it�s been the story of my life, so I know.
And like me, you probably got down on yourself and you wondered what was wrong with your energy and why you failed. Perhaps you set yourself a task
that was too big for you but more than likely you would have done just fine if the ghouls had not gotten in your way.
As the heroine in the Matrix says to herself when she�s momentarily winded coming through a window, "Get up Trinity, get up!" There�s an etheric war
on. Trust me. Stand up.
The Wachowski brothers� film describes the war against the matrix and the agents, and that same war is being fought today.
It�s the unsung heroes of our humanity fighting against what seems to be as insurmountable odds�God�s gladiators.
There is help on the way. Thousands of people all round the world are experiencing sensations and seeing things in the etheric they never saw before.
They are part of a massive army that is walking across from 3-D toward 10-D, albeit hesitantly at first.
There is a huge shift going on. What does it mean? It means that something up there loves us and is trying to get us to open our eyes and see for the
first time. It�s all there in the film.
Goodness knows how it got there. From deep inside the filmmakers� souls ?where all things exist as one.
Someone, somewhere, is talking about the demise of the matrix and our escape. The key to the film is at the end after Neo, the hero, has been shot.
Trinity breathes over him and she says, "I am not afraid anymore� so you see, you can�t be dead, you can�t be, because I love you. You hear me? I
love you." Then she kisses him and says, "Now get up." It�s the most beautiful scene in the film. It�s where the love of the Goddess revives the
comatose God. She resurrects the wounded male (the ego) and kisses him, bringing him back to life.
The ability is in her selflessness. It�s part of her compassion, her eternal kindness. Males can do the same when they stand inside the feminine
spirit that is within them. The resurrection is the same for you as it is for Neo in the film. Once you are no longer scared, the forces of control
can�t feed off you.
The hold over you and your life breaks down. Watch the Matrix even if you have seen it before. There are hundreds of symbols in the film. How they got
there, I don�t know. It�s irrelevant. It�s all there, albeit as an allegory. It�s the story of the return of Jesus.
The hero, Neo, dies in room 303. Thirty-three is the number of the initiate. Zero is the feminine principle�eternity. So 303 is the initiate embracing
eternity. Neo�s bedroom, where he hacks away on his computer, is room 101. Eleven is the number of the master builder.
So early on in the film, Neo is the master builder working around eternity. Look at the silver, chalice-type cup on Reineheart�s desk. Notice the gold
lining of Neo and Mr. Smith�s jackets�El Dorado, the golden one; the initiate who doesn�t know he is an initiate.
When Neo goes into �replication�, he is covered in mercury.
They inject the same fluid into Morpheus� neck. Mercury is the alchemic fire. Neo wears a plum red blanket as he climbs the stairs to meet the crew of
the Nebuchadnezzar. Why plum red? Watch the large rabbits on the television behind the Indigo kids�what do they mean?
Listen to the Oracle; she talks about the true nature of fate, free will, and time. Look for one of God�s Gladiators.
He�s pretending to be blind. He nods when Morpheus and Neo walk out of the elevator. Did you see the number three?
It appears many times, especially in the railway station where the last fights take place. It�s the trinity. Look at the graffiti to the right of Neo
as Mr. Smith throws him up against the wall. What does it say?
Shadow. Whose shadow?
Are Neo and Mr. Smith one and the same?
The Matrix is the story of the Holy Trinity. Morpheus is John the Baptist.
the Architact is the Father, Neo is the son. He is referred to as Jesus several times in the film, though the reference is masked. The female
character Trinity is the divine goddess, Mary Magdalene, the feminine principle that was excluded from our Holy Trinity by the male writers of
Christian dogma.
The Christian idea of the Holy Ghost is a concoction�misinformation used to disempower the female�s rightful place at the top of the trinity. There is
no Holy Ghost. The idea is a lie.
Ghosts are the astral image of dead people in the etheric, this side of 10-D. There is nothing holy about them. They are lost. Over two decades, we
came to know so much about the etheric and its entities we felt we were ready to take them on. There are lots of groups fighting the entities all over
the world. I can only speak for what I know.
We would never have made any headway if we had not been massively helped by entities on the other side that wanted to see the ghouls destroyed as much
as we do.
For the most part, they are angelic beings of a fractal nature with enormous power. The problem they had was they couldn�t get into the earth
dimension while the matrix was intact.
The matrix had to be penetrated, not only to relieve the suffocation humanity feels, but mostly to allow the helpers to get in. The War of the Worlds
couldn�t begin until there was a crack in the ghoul�s cosmic egg. Remember the ghouls have absolute control here, there is no question of that, I�ve
seen it over and over.
In the Matrix, Morpheus and the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar, constantly have a problem with the agents hacking into their phone lines knowing what is
going on. We have had the same problems in communicating with 10-D.
fractal entities could show us how to make a move on the ghouls but anything they showed us, they also showed to the ghouls. Whatever we had in our
human mind is an open book, so everything we did was blocked, or more often than not, the ghouls got in the way, feeding us contradictory information.
It took us ages to figure out what was real and what was not. But here is the good news. Just as Neo figures how to beat the Agents and he becomes
more powerful than the agents, the same is happening here. The Matrix has been broken and within weeks of that happening, we had 9.11. On the surface
it looks like a few Muslims got angry at America�s support of the Jews.
But 9.11 is much more than that. It signals the beginning of the end for the New World Order and the kingdom of the etheric ghouls. Many citizens will
mourn the passing of the dark empire for they are the ones that benefit, and they will attempt to sustain the status quo, imagining as all tyrants do,
that they are right and nothing can possibly go wrong.
The American Fourth Reich as I call it, with their punitive laws, surveillance, violence, hatred, and their new SS unit, the Office of Homeland
Security, with its Gestapo-like powers of arrest and detention without trial, is not a good thing.
But all the bullying and nastiness of the goons of the American Reich will only last about as long as Hitler did�twelve years. As they fall, their
partners in Europe and the rest of the world will tumble with them. For most of our industrial societies make a living tending to the consumption of
America. The clock is ticking.
Then again, you must never confuse ordinary citizens with their governments. I�ve met a heck lot of Americans that are honest, peace loving and
decent, so the ideals of the Founding Fathers are not lost.
They are just in hiding�I believe that they will prevail but the whore of Babylon has to fall first.
Perhaps the sudden appearance of the 10-D morphe in our world really is God�s kingdom overlaying itself on the matrix of this 3-D reality. If that
happens then goodness, softness, and a proper justice will prevail. That is good for us all.
In the film The Matrix, when the hero Neo is told about the nature of the matrix and the invisible control over humanity, he throws up. He finds it
impossible to accept that he has been living in a dream world under the control of a transdimensional influence that acts as the ultimate secret
government. I find the film eerie in its accuracy.
Like Neo, people can�t see it yet. They don�t get that there is a takeover going on. It�s driven by television and the media that is enabling the
subjugation of our societies under the absolute power of the fat controllers, to borrow a term from Thomas the Tank Engine. The media is the voice of
ghoulish sentiments, violence and revenge, but most of all it is the voice of absolute control. It�s the way the status quo sustains society along its
parameters. There is nothing reasonable about the people who control us.
They are demonic fools, puppets of the etheric, who will sell their citizens into bondage for power, recognition, and money. They tell themselves they
are helping people, that control, uniformity and the absolute power of the state is a good thing. It�s the nature of tyrants to lie and obscure the
The phony war on terror is a concoction of the ghoul�s making, it allows the neo-Nazis to close the last door of hope for humanity. People are
brainwashed by the media into thinking that the new arrest without trial laws will keep them safe, so they can grow fat and consume and waddle about
unimpeded. It won�t work. By the time they hear the knock on the door, it will be too late for many. This world is nasty and getting nastier.
In the west, we are sold the idea that it�s all to do with Muslim terrorists, they are the bad guys. We don�t see that the terrorists are fighting the
evil empire, our society is that evil, it is the empire of the ghouls. The terrorist lives in simple ways, honoring god, and he�s prepared to give his
life for the struggle. I don�t agree with violence but you can see how the Muslim terrorist offers a stark contrast to our western ideals. What is our
world built on? It�s built on egocentric ideals of self-importance, elitism, glamour, the chosen ones, arrogance, violence, dog-eat-dog, and the
absolute financial and political control of humanity.
We worship at the altar of obscene levels of consumption and a callous disregard for the well being of the planet and others. There seems to be no god
in our western world, save the arrogance of the ego that will attempt to make itself into a god.
Ours is a house of cards built on lies and more lies. Even now, you can see how it cannot last forever, for our system is built on ideals that are
devilish. That is not to say terrorism will win, it�s just saying we are bound to lose. We are in a Matrix, one that I believe is sustained by etheric
beings who have captured a large part of the soul of humanity.
But even if you don�t accept the etheric idea, you can see we are under the control of a new totalitarianism. The western media speaks with one voice,
reflecting the ideals of the American-Jewish alliance, and the interests of the industrial-military machine. There is no voice for those of us who
still hold to benevolence and fairness, those of us that still have a love and a care for this planet and its humanity. Our modern leaders, Bush,
Blair, and the others, will eventually become the most reviled leaders in the planet�s history. People don�t see it yet. We are being sold into
slavery. Citizens are fed the party line by the likes of CNN, who with the other western media networks are the official voice of the New World Order.
Their lies are blatant and repeated over and over. It�s hard for people to realize they are being set up to accept totalitarianism without any means
of protest. The new anti-spam laws enacted by countries like Australia are sold to us as part of protecting our privacy, but in fact, it�s part of the
control. The state machine doesn�t want anyone with contradictory facts talking to millions of citizens via their computers. It�s so clever, isn�t it?
If you look in your heart and there are questions there, be brave, don�t sell out to vengeance and more control, even if there is nothing you can do
about it.
Hold to your ideals of goodness and fairness, and a love of God and humanity. Join with others of like-mind, tell them to be brave and not to despair.
No totalitarian regime has ever lasted and the New World Order is no exception. When it falls, do you want to look back and see that you colluded and
collaborated with state sponsored nastiness? How will you explain yourself to your god? This is a test. It�s the ultimate test in a way.
Everyone can pretend to love God when there is no pressure, but what about when the heat is on and you have to go against the herd to stand for your
ideals? I don�t profess to know much about the Bible but didn�t Jesus say something like, "When two or more are gathered in my name, I will be
there." Wasn�t the name of Jesus synonymous with courage, non-violent protest, love, and a benevolence and tolerance for all? If you hold to these
ideals, I for one will stand with you. If on the other hand you don�t care for these sentiments, I have no hatred for you, but I can tell you as sure
as eggs is eggs, you won�t last.
Stuart Wilde -