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Originally posted by IamBoon
According to the Bible he himself is the master of evil and sin. He banishes Satan, whom he created, sends him to Earth, then lets him poison our souls with desire and evil (he made us weak to sin ) , then in god's infinite wisdom , blames US for it all.
That is like a human walking down a road with a rabid dog, releasing it knowing it will do terrible harm , then the dog kills an infant while it;s parents are walking down the street. Now instead of blaming the dog or its owner , according to gods rules in the bible , the Parents would be blamed and sent to hell (or jail)!!!
[edit on 5-7-2010 by IamBoon]
Originally posted by hawkiye
Originally posted by AHustler
Originally posted by hawkiye
The common Christian understanding of Christ and the Father being one misses the mark IMO. However I do agree in a sense he is God however he also said to the people Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10:34
So he echos the eastern and other esoteric teachings that we are all God or part of God.
as said, capital and lower cases make a difference...
Yeah and Jesus said and be sure make that so that after it is translated umpteen hundred times over several thousand years that it translates to a small g so the Christians in the 20th and 21st century will understand I didn't mean the capital G gods but the small g gods... Never mind the context in which he said it
Elohim (אֱלהִים) is a Hebrew word which expresses concepts of divinity or deity, notably used as a name of God in Judaism. Its Arabic equivalent is Elohiah (إلوهية).
It is related to the Northwest Semitic word ʾēl (אֱל) "god". Within Hebrew, it is morphologically a plural, in use both as a true plural with the meaning "angels, gods, rulers" and as a "plural intensive" with singular meaning, referring to a god or goddess, and especially to the single God of Israel. The associated singular Eloah (אלוה) occurs only in poetry and in late Biblical Hebrew, in imitation of Aramaic usage.[1]
Originally posted by hawkiye
No one enters such service until they have reached a certain stage of understanding and enlightenment through many lifetimes and struggles to learn what they know from the soul or inner voice and through experience.
Originally posted by IamBoon
reply to post by adjensen
Why so? If god CREATED EVIL is he not RESPONSIBLE for it? If he made the DEVIL and let him CORRUPT our souls is he not to blame? Maybe it is YOU who are short-sighted and foolish. My analogy works fine. You just cannot accept it as your god can do no wrong even though that is basically what the whole Old Testament is about. That jealous ,nasty , infanticidal maniac. Example when he killed every newborn in Egypt, WHy the hell can't he just kill pharoah? Or what about just letting them go himself...? my mind is just filled with the many horrific and unjust acts committed by this invisible friend of yours.
Omnipotence does in fact hold god responsible for he cannot possibly be benevolent in all aspects if he has the power to abolish evil and in fact partakes in committing evil himself . Read the "Old Testament and the New it is all there for your soon to be teary eyes to read.
Instead of writin off a post with no rebuttal and just make a silly claim about its poster try and show some intelligence!
[edit on 5-7-2010 by IamBoon]
Originally posted by monkeySEEmonkeyDO
Wow, I didn't expect alot of responses to this thread! Thanks for all of the opinions, and personal insights on the matter! I was raised in a Christian home, and observed several moments that left me scratching my head.
For example, I have seen countless times where a group of kids (3-5 years of age) went before the church, and stated they became saved because "they didn't want to go to hell." How sad.. First off, to promote children to make a decision that they have NO concept of is wrong. Plus, they have no want for personal/spiritual growth, but only fear for burning alive for eternity.
In my mind, the church has completely missed the point of the Bible or any meaning behind God. Instead of looking at the Bible as a starting point, or the tip of the iceberg, they have become obsessed with the small/minute details which then contradicts the bigger picture. I can honestly say that Christians are the BIGGEST form of the scum bags and hypocrites, and that’s why the world looks down at them.
My personal opinion about religion is to love life, love/forgive others, and to raise children to love others. No one is perfect or can live life w/o sinning. God knows this, and wants us to except it. No matter if a Christian or not, we will sin to the day we die. Get over it, b/c according to the Bible, God already has.
Originally posted by PuterMan
It is necessary to have read and understood all of these documents before you can defend your faith and have the presumption to apply your beliefs to others who are not of your persuasion.
Why is it that you are not capable of understanding that YOUR religion applies only to YOU and not to those who do not follow your religion.
There are over 2600 religions in the world of which yours is but one, albeit a large one. You have absolutely no right to impose your beliefs on any of those other religions. You or any other religion as I said before does not have the right to say that it is the only correct religion and thus you have no jurisdiction to apply to me the belief that I will go to hell if I don't believe if your religion and your version of salvation.
The sooner that Christianity, Islam and Judaism get that simple fact through their heads the better place the world will be.
Originally posted by monkeySEEmonkeyDO
I've always questioned why God, who is omni-present, allows the existence of people who will never make the decision to become "saved", and will go to hell.. According to the Bible, we all make our own decisions, and we are responsible for those decisions. But, if God KNOWS our decisions will place us in hell, then why would he allow us to come into existence? How can God "love us all" if God knows we are destined for hell?
What about the people who are born in total seclusion, and never have the chance to even hear about the Bible? Why would they be equally responsible compared to the ones who willfully ignore the Bible?
It all doesn't make sense to me...
Originally posted by The Endtime Warrior
Here is another thing to consider too. Hell was created for the fallen angels and demons.....are those the same things as humans? exactly, made differently, so something that isn't flesh and blood like us....suffering in hell. how would that work with humans? you think they suffer the same way we do? interesting to think about, perhaps many missed this point, just sayin......
[edit on 7/5/2010 by The Endtime Warrior]
if you don't see the difference....then ya, I don't know what else to say...anyways, this side discussion is way off topic of the thread, so I'd like to stop it here, though it's ever so hard for me to not be an avid opposition to new age views when I see them...though i guess this thread got off track many pages ago..
Originally posted by adjensen
Originally posted by alicepip
Originally posted by The Endtime Warrior
Originally posted by alicepip
reply to post by orionthehunter
But doesn't that still contradict the notion that god is all knowing? If he really was he would know the 'possible outcome' that you would choose. If he doesn't know that, he isn't omniscient.
you will always have contradictions when you are describing god with human logic. there is just no way around it. just like the whole can he create a rock that he can't move, and so forth. perhaps there is some other way.....
That's the easy way out. If the bible is god's word why wouldn't he write it in a way that makes sense and is logical to humans, the ones he wants to worship him. The bible is filled with inconsistencies, and that is a major reason that many former Christians have become atheists or agnostics.
[edit on 4-7-2010 by alicepip]
Fundamentalists take the Bible literally, non-fundamentalist faiths do not, recognizing that the Bible is inspired (and probably directed) by God, but written by men. Men who put things into contexts that they understood, given their world perspective. Did God give Moses Ten Commandments? Yes. Did God personally write Exodus? No.
I've never met any Christian who had a strong faith that turned to atheism due to inconsistencies in the Bible, though I've met plenty (including myself) that moved away from a fundamentalist point of view for those reasons.
Originally posted by adjensen
Free will does not contradict omniscience. God knows what path you will take because he transcends time, so, from his perspective, he already knows what you'll do next week, because it's already happened. But, for you, the decision that you'll make that will result in whatever he's seen is still in the future, and you will make it, freely, regardless of whether God knows it or not.
Here is how I see it; God used the word or breath if you will to create everything. God breathed out and created the vibration which created the world. When he takes the in-breathe it will retract and the universe will be no more, but he will breath out another then a new Universe begins again in that breathe. This universe is still expanding so the breath is still breathing out.
Otherwise how do you account for regressions and past life memories if we do not retain all experience and use it to progress and evolve through the planes of existence.
The Spirit is not necessarily the breath.
In the beginning G-d created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit(Ruach)of G-d was hovering over the waters.
the L-rd G-d formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.