posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 08:14 PM
Well, understanding how visions are percieved, I can tell you this for sure:
He only interpreted what he saw. I don't know (maybe Byrd or someone could answer this), were french characters in his time the same as english
characters? People forget that in earlier times, what they thought they saw was most likely what they could make out that looked like their own
characters. This is one of the problems I've observed when some people interpret things from the past. So, what I'm wondering is what mabus
would've looked like in his writings... basically, I assume it was interpreted correctly, but maybe the french characters he wrote in looked exactly
as he saw them and it didn't need interpretting.
Now for the fun part, seeing what he saw... maybe (I'm not really in the correct state of mind, but I'm gonna try this on the third quattrain
JonBull posted)
Century VIII Quatrain 55
1. He will find himself shut in between two rivers,
2. casks and barrels joined to cross beyond:
3. eight bridges broken, their chief run through so many times,
4. perfect children's throats slit by the knife
1. I'm seeing, literally, a river that splits in two, leaving quite a large island with nothing but short prarie grass.
2. I first saw this as a bridge of sorts (floating bridge), then a makeshift boat, but now I'm seeing a tugboat with all the tires hanging off the
side... seems like it's in a large harbor of sorts... somewhere around NYC. No 'Island' around, though.
3. All exits have been destroyed... a long bridge (suspension bridge) is no longer there, and near the land you can see the beginning of it, dropping
sharply off into the water.
4. people who didn't know better, when awakening to what's going on, speak out and are killed... I see them being shot in execution lines and being
assaulted in their own homes.
Well, that wasn't much... I started getting a bit into the trance near the end, but not near enough to make interpretation. The theory is that if
Nostradamus saw the vision, others can see what he saw as well... I believe he may have known this and wrote the quattrains in such a way as to spark
the visions... give a reference point for a person with the 'ability' to look to.
I'll try some more quattrains later regarding this... it's been so long since I've done this stuff, but JohnBull got me on it again. I know alot of
you are already thinking about writing how wrong I am, and I must be sick in the head for putting faith in such things... don't bother. It doesn't
add to the thread, and besides... if you have seen half the stuff I have, you would be a believer (or would you just go see a shrink and get pills to
'cure' it? Think about it for awhile...)
I need to go through some of the stuff by Edgar Cayce... I think some of his prophecies could support Nostradamus', but I can't remember... it's
really been so long since I've read either... and Cayce has a helluva lot larger collection than Nos does (I believe Nos actually had quite a
library, then it was speculated that he 'coded' it all into the works we have currently, and burned the rest... easier to hide a book or two of
prophecies than an entire library! And if this is the case, I may be wrong about writing what he sees... this may be the condensed version... makes
sense why it's in quattrains rather than just scribblings like I produce... but then again, if I was accustomed to writing in quattrains, I probably
wouldn't have scribblings and such).