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Facebook to recognize faces, help tag photos

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posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Facebook to recognize faces, help tag photos

If you've got a large album or a lot of friends in a single photo, this process is inefficient and tedious. To solve this problem, Facebook has implemented face detection technology that will automatically find faces in photos and select them, eliminating one of the most tedious steps in tagging Facebook friends in photos. Your are already selected by the software -- all you have to do is answer the Facebook prompt, "Whose face is this?"
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:32 PM
I know it may seem paranoiac to blow the whistle without determining how this can effect our lives and privacy.

but hey "Consent to Collection and Processing in the United States. By using Facebook, you consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States" -Facebook privacy policy Clause 9

Put two an two together. This is all just leverage many "entities" can gain to finding you automatically.

When we live in a world where the law can turn against us, and i'm not talking about reasonable laws like sex offender registry systems, but a law that makes human life inhumane, many would ask how did we let this happen?

Little by little, we accept giving away our privacy in exchange for security in simple "harmless" technological advances such as voice recognition, gps tracking, and outdoor security cameras. These inventions were intended to do good and sure they can assist in government agencies in solving crimes, which there is nothing wrong with that.

So again. The question is simple, how can this harm the law-abiding citizen?... when the law harms us! if your against the "mark of the beast", it will be hypocritical to just let all these "small" advances pass us by.

I don't despise a world where all is safe. But I do despise a world where we depend on safety. So we must be valiant and strong.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:39 PM
I had a dream that there was this cell phone ap and you just hold your phone up and scan a crowd of people. If there are any people in the crowd that it recognizes, then it tells you who they are and links to their facebook or website or other informationa about them. I was at a football game and I was looking for someone, so I just used my phone to find them in the crowd of faces.

In real life though, I think I'd be pretty scared of this, because someone could stalk you and even find you in a crowd. I think they will eventually make something like this anyway, and it might be useful, but it is scary too.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:41 PM
Well... This will certainly make it easier for me to find pictures of myself that I want people to remove. Call me crazy but I don't like other people uploading pictures of me without my knowledge to begin with, let alone being tagged in them.

As for how it will harm people's privacy, it just makes the already existing process easier. Billy Bob from 8th grade can already upload and tag you in a picture, he just won't have to bother dragging the box over your face first anymore.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by jessieg
I had a dream that there was this cell phone ap and you just hold your phone up and scan a crowd of people. If there are any people in the crowd that it recognizes, then it tells you who they are and links to their facebook or website or other informationa about them. I was at a football game and I was looking for someone, so I just used my phone to find them in the crowd of faces.

In real life though, I think I'd be pretty scared of this, because someone could stalk you and even find you in a crowd. I think they will eventually make something like this anyway, and it might be useful, but it is scary too.

What's even more scary is I thought I had already heard of that app.
It sounds way too familiar. Either I also dreamed it, or we both have heard about it being developed already, and it entered into your dream. It's probably in the making

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Data_Corrupt

You only have to fear being tracked if you have something to hide. I do not.

But this is a conspiracy forum. LOL. Of course it's dangerous. Just upload a person's face and anybody and everybody whom has that image is presented to the unloader.

Yes. This can be used to track and locate anybody from anywhere. Perhaps a criminal accidentally gets caught on a phone pic uploaded. Yep, he's been tagged in less than a few minutes. Government can tan pull a sat link down and track the person based on his rate of speed on the photograph (uncertainty principal), and cops can be on hum within 15 minutes.

So yes. effectively this enables ever single thing that captures an image to become the government's eye the second it is uploaded.

Good thing I've got nothing to hide. Hell. If the government came and took me in, I'd be so clean I'd probably just want to talk to them to voice my own opinion to them and what they could do to improve. lol.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by jessieg

I've actually heard of this before as well. Pretty spooky.

Thankfully I don't have a facebook or myspace or any other social network account. Especially one that has pictures of myself or my family on it. Then again the only pictures i've had taken in the last 10 years are my drivers license and wedding photos.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 05:22 PM
Creepy and pointless.

Second line

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 05:25 PM
Yet another reason for me not to create a facebook page. As if the privacy issues alone weren't enough.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by jessieg

This apparently does already exist but is pretty ineffective.!+You+can+easily+spot+a+familiar+face+in+a+crowd.+But+what+if...-a098541301

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 05:35 PM
Last week i was bout to post a topic about face book using facial recognizing technology for crime fighting. If a face shows up on a picture, convenience store robbery, officials can scan the billions of photos and detect a match...

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 08:35 PM
i dont have any problem with this technology being used to find missing ppl, or criminals. but this technology could advance so far at the point where street cameras are in every corner with face recognition software, any corrupt political can use it for extortion, nwo agendas, etc...

its just another debate of freedom vs security

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 09:06 PM
Im in college, and literally 99.9% of students have a facebook. Thank God I am not one of them. Everytime you meet someone, that is the first thing they ask for- your facebook link. Whenever I admit to not using it, I get disgusted looks and people just look at me like I am a freak.

That site is turning scary, and people are so clueless.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by jessieg
I had a dream that there was this cell phone ap and you just hold your phone up and scan a crowd of people. If there are any people in the crowd that it recognizes, then it tells you who they are and links to their facebook or website or other informationa about them. I was at a football game and I was looking for someone, so I just used my phone to find them in the crowd of faces.

In real life though, I think I'd be pretty scared of this, because someone could stalk you and even find you in a crowd. I think they will eventually make something like this anyway, and it might be useful, but it is scary too.

i've always thought that companies that put cameras in ther phones like the iphone can actually access and look out of the phone cam and see what is there.. even the camera on my laptop creeps me out and i put tape over it. haha

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:55 AM
Oh dear. What if the data Facebook collects is 'leaked' to a "Big Brother" type network - such as the thousands of interconnected cameras in London?

Instant tracking of people - all because they decided to use this feature. That data could be further collated and used to not only track people, but for alot of other nefarious motives. Sure, it would need alot of refinement and wouldn't work well on current tech but still...

While I don't believe that would happen, it would be a worst case scenario. And yes, I do have a Facebook account, but only use it to talk to a few people. Three people to be exact. I think I may have one of the lowest number of Facebook friends out of all their users!

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 03:29 AM
So, if all facebook users had a program like Aperture which does this anyway, how creeped out would you be?????

We even labelled the trailer to see what it would do and had no problem.


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