posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 12:51 PM
The ruskies had some great early space achievements. I'll give the sob's that. America had to play catchup. Only with America's technology and
industrial edge did we beat them.
To say we had better German rocket scientists than the russians is simplistic, Russia was still recovering from WW2 into the 60's. They had an
industrial base but nothing on the American scale.
Sending a man or woman into space for an orbit is far different than a trip to the moon and back. The russians realized this this back in 65-66 but
the we went ahead with a committed American people, industry, and government working towards one goal - putting a man on the moon. Preferably an
American, which is what was done.
The silly crap about we didn't go to the moon is just that - silly crap. Anyone who lived through that era knows the truth. I hope the moon hoaxer's
know there was equipment left on the moon, and you can watch the video of this equipment being set up, which is still used today. The same equipment
in the same position after 40 years.
I think most of the moon hoaxer's are just blatant American haters who despise America for everything they deem wrong with the world. This includes
America's great achievements from the past that just seem impossible to their limited intelligence and self imposed boring existences.