posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 11:31 AM
One of the very few Politicians who expresses the fundamental Truth.
The majority of our Politicians are well aware of this matter but being bought and paid for only cater to their $$$ owners.
The only way in which we'll see any form of change in this system is to advocate for eliminating the financial ownership of our politicians and
lawmakers by quelling the multi billion dollar Lobbyist and campaign funding business.
Also, term limits are needed as well as Holding all elected officals accountable by giving them periodic performance reviews just as we in the (Real)
working world are.
I was a big supporter of Ron Paul in 2008 and had "Hoped" for real change and not the Rockefeller owned CFR sponsored variety called Pepsi, aka,
Barack Obama.
Unfortunately for most Americans they are unable to ween themselves off of the Status Quo Coke and Pepsi political system which the Powers That Be
will always prevail regardless just due to the fact that they own both candidates !
Hopefully when things get bad enough, Americans will finally begin to see the Forest for the Trees....and acknowledge Dr. Ron Paul (yes, he has a real
job as well !) for his speaking the Truth.