posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:59 PM
Tech firm's oil spill clean-up offer
Originally created to soak up algae oil this Tech has been adapted for crude oil
they predict there system would take 18 days to remove ALL the surface oil in the ocean , they would then circle the rig and continually mop it up as
it spews forth until it can be stopped.
As of yet B.P are not showing an interest ( hmm they are doing that a lot recently) but here is the clincher in my opinion.
The tech comes equipped to remove the crude from the water and return the oil to BP.... now B.P to me has been all about 'Capturing' oil ...
in fact it has disturbed me the amount of times they have discussed Capture rather than prevention. This is probably because prevention is frankly
beyond our expertise at that depth until the relief well is drilled.
They demonstrate it in the Gulf next Wednesday .. lets hope BP sit up and take notice ... i am hoping that if nothing else these guys could get them
oil back and save some money and this might sway B.P (as the money is all they seem to care about).. i fear the cost of not doing something like this
will be more than at least giving it a chance....