posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 12:22 AM
He's not delaying, he is LYING.
This is a re-run of the Simpson act of 1986 under Reagan.
Amnesty was given & all the promises of border security were broken.
Also they found out the real number was at least twice the number of illegals.
I really hate these slime rats in Washington DC.
This is about undermining legal & citizen workers in America, so they will have to compete for slave conditions instead of decent employment.
The reason illegals are here is because criminal employers want to hire illegals so they can treat them like crap.
Amnesty will mean they will get away with treating you like crap too.
And btw it is human trafficking the liberals & criminal conservatives support.
Obama & Democrats support human trafficking all done at your expense.
The Republicans do too, they just can't admit it in public for political reasons.