posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 10:16 AM
Hi! Since I've moved around all my life, if I were in the coastal area, I would move. Pick a place that you've always wanted to see and buy a
forclosed propery. Fix up the forclosed property, and take any job in that area. You could rent your old home to the BP clean up workers, or maybe
take a tax loss on it this year. If you wait until everyone is forced to move/ evacuate you would lose out on opportunities for a forclosed
property deal available today. If nothing happens move back and sell the fixed up forclosed property for a profit. My father died of cancer seventeen
years ago, and I personally would move away before I lost any family members to any disease or casuality from this horrible disaster.
The Wal-mart shrimp here on the east coast comes from Thialand. Our
shrimp on the east coast was always very expensive.