posted on Mar, 10 2003 @ 09:40 PM
It sounds like you're describing a new situation with your monitor, or has this happened in the past?
You may want to check your monitor connection & settings first, just to eliminate the obvious. Next possibly un-install / reinstall your graphics
software. It's also a good idea to check for the latest software driver updates. If none of that helps, perhaps the monitor has an internal
problem - how old is it?
I'm running Windows XP and have an ATI Radeon 7000 graphics / video card installed. Whenever I would reformat my hard disk, I had nothing but grief
with my graphics card when I reinstalled the driver - my monitor was just a large black band on top with blue below. I had no desktop at all. I
would have to restart my PC, go into safe mode and delete the display adapter - then reinstall it again. I then went to the ATI website, found the
latest drivers for Windows XP & now it's fine.
I hope you can get it sorted soon.