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If they are here...why are they here?

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posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 01:09 PM
I'm sure this is a question many have pondered, but if aliens really are visiting our planet..why are they doing so?
Although i've never seen a UFO, nor an alien, the evidence (Videos, Pictures, witness statements etc) i've seen really do make me believe that they are.
But I often wonder, why don't they land on the white house lawn and say hi? (granted they'd probably get shot, heh)

With that said, how many different species of advanced aliens do you all think there are?
Considering all the different types of ships that we've seen (photo'd/video'd), such as the triangle shapes and the traditional saucer ones...just how many individual races are there?

I've read with interest the Raelien (sp) page, where that guy claims we were made by Aliens, and they state..

The Raelian Revolution, the world's largest Atheist, non-profit UFO related organisation - over 60,000 members in 90 countries - working towards the first embassy to welcome people from space... destroying the myth of god and sweeping the world with the most politically incorrect and fearlessly individualistic philosophy of non-conformism

If that's true, then that's alot of believers.
I wonder how the world would react if aliens did indeed land on his embassy and tell the world there is no god....damn, I can't imagine that going down to well.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 02:10 PM
I am not sure if they are observing us or not, either. However, what I strongly believe is that they do exist. If they are by some possibility actually observing us it could only be because of their global curiosity, the purpose of research and maybe the chance to input another race into their database. No, really, if they came here and saw how pathetic we are, all they have to do is crush us. If they weren't so high-tech advanced, they probably wouldn't be able to come.
Now, let's say they are a peaceful race.. Don't believe there's too much chance on this.. but suppose they were, they should simply contact us. Or they maybe think we're not mentally ready (as a race, there probably are individuals) for sucha an encounter.
? Maybe we'll never know (But I believe we will

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 03:18 PM
why the hell not???

They are curious they want to know stuff so they come

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 03:19 PM

In this website you will find many channeled messages from people who are in contact with peacefull Pleiadians. They have come to observe us because of the Hudge change, even scientists have noticed the solar system and the planets changing.

This is a whole set of 4 articles about the subject:

2012 will be a cosmic event and the Pleiadians and other races are here to not only watch, but to participate, and help others to go into the new, higher vibrations. This is caused by the Photon belt which is neariong our solar system every minute.

Love and Light

p.s. hold this helps

[edit on 16/6/04 by PhoenixSGC]

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 03:21 PM
There is a thread on here somewhere regarding approximately 70 different races living amongst us at any given time.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 03:26 PM
Why would the be so secretive? Why don't they just come right out?

I mean, it's been 60 years since Roswell and who knows how long "strange lights" have been seen in the sky.

Are they that scared with all their superior technology? It doesn't make any sense. Haven't they abducted enough people already? Our bodies are complex but not that complicated. Again, with their superior technology, do they still not understand us?

60 frickin' years!

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Deimos
I'm sure this is a question many have pondered, but if aliens really are visiting our planet..why are they doing so?

We are neighbors in space. We share the same space of the Universe. We are finally arriving at a point in our evolution where we will understand and accept advanced concepts in meeting advanced life. We are also at a point when we are about to begin traveling to other places where we may do the destructive, abusive things we do here, so we need to be clued in. Also, we as a race have gotten ourselves into a predicament with the way we run our world and we need help, and although the alien races cannot interfere or take over, many humans are asking the aliens for help, and our governments will have to also. Open contact has "always" been imminent, but at this point right now, it is necessary.

why don't they land on the white house lawn and say hi? (granted they'd probably get shot, heh)

Exactly. But also important is the fact that obscure "evidence" can be lent to any cause. What good is it if suddenly everybody knew the aliens are here, if nobody knew what it meant to our world? Literally anybody can claim literally anything, and hardly anybody could tell the difference between what is true and what is fabricated about the aliens. Kind of just like right now. In increasing exposure and meeting with individual humans, the other races are creating education, so we can know what the evidence means. We will not just have to listen to our leaders tell us they need to make more weapons, that they need more tax money, and that they will protect us. If there were ever any threat from the aliens, it would be obvious.

With that said, how many different species of advanced aliens do you all think there are?

There are exactly 218 races visiting Earth from nearby in our galaxy, and they are all "much" further advanced than we are. There are over 5200 advanced intelligent races in our local union of five galaxies, and a number more races who are not advanced, so not counted as participants in the union yet, like us.

I've read with interest the Raelien (sp) page, where that guy claims we were made by Aliens

You may not know what "aliens" are exactly, or why they are here or how they get here or why they act the way they do, etc... but damn it, you should know what a cult is. If it looks like a cult, sounds like a cult and stinks like a cult, it's a cult.

Anyway, God made everybody in the Universes. No known intelligent races of people in the known Universes do not believe in the one "Supreme Being." Of course, there are lots of histories and practices throughout, but the further up you go, the more simple and basic knowledge of spirit and nature and God becomes.

The Raelian Revolution is just all about the nature of the humans, the way they think, the way they act, the way they follow beliefs, and the way they don't know any better yet. It is very sad, and the alien races do not appreciate being named as part of it. No alien race has any part in the Raelian movement or any other human cult in any way, shape or form.

[edit on 14-6-2004 by EarthSister]

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Deimos
if aliens really are visiting our planet..why are they doing so?
But I often wonder, why don't they land on the white house lawn and say hi? (granted they'd probably get shot, heh)
With that said, how many different species of advanced aliens do you all think there are?
Considering all the different types of ships that we've seen (photo'd/video'd), such as the triangle shapes and the traditional saucer ones...just how many individual races are there?

I wonder how the world would react if aliens did indeed land on his embassy and tell the world there is no god....damn, I can't imagine that going down to well.

You ask good questions.

First I'd like to state that I am sure that there are benevolent aliens in existence, just that for the most part, they have yet to contact this planet in the physical sense and in any major capacity.

If you believe the testimony of Linda Moulton Howe in having been shown a top secret report from the US Air Force, as well as the archeological conclusions of Zecharia Sitchin, then the Raelians are not completely off the mark in their appraisal that space-aliens played a role in the emergence of Homo sapien life here.

Does that make the Zetan-aliens our God?

Of course not!

Does that make the Zetans our spiritual masters?

No way!

Just because thousands of years ago a group of extraterrestrials manipulated some hominid DNA in order to make a slave race to work the mines here, does not detract from the idea that a rarefied God Realized being (i.e., The Original Creator), started everything long before the Zetans launched their first manned expedition into space.

It's funny, in all the debates between Creationists and Evolutionists, between those who believe in the Judeo-Christian God and those who are atheistic, very few entertain the notion that the truth is a blend of both theories.

You know, people usually either believe that there is a God or there is no God.

Very few entertain the idea that there WAS a God and that ALL SOULS ARE WHAT IS LEFT OF HIM, which I believe to be the absolute truth.

The Zetans will never openly acknowledge their existence simply because they have no desire to do so.

As far as the individual races are concerned, the number that I have come across in my research on the subject, is fifty-seven. Logic dictates that at least some of these are the result of genetic manipulation. For example, the Greys are considered to be a DNA mix of the Reptilians and the Insectians or Preying Mantis types.

Back in the 1950s there was a big scare in Washington, DC. A squadron of flying saucers, in broad daylight no less, buzzed over the White House. No, they were not the latest designs in US black projects. The government quickly put a lid on the story.

Have the Zetans openly announced their presence throughout history? Sure they have. Many times.

The reason why they don't do it now is because it doesn't suit their purpose, which is to continue to use many people here like farm and laboratory animals.

If everyone knew about and truly believed that there were hostile aliens in our midst who occasionally kidnapped people, you'd have documentaries on cable television informing the public at large how to avoid getting abducted. Additionally, the government would lose control over a large segment of the population, as was the conclusion of a study conducted by the Brookings Institute back in the 1960s.

We can't have that now, can we?

[edit on 14-6-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
Why would the be so secretive? Why don't they just come right out?

I mean, it's been 60 years since Roswell and who knows how long "strange lights" have been seen in the sky.

Are they that scared with all their superior technology? It doesn't make any sense. Haven't they abducted enough people already? Our bodies are complex but not that complicated. Again, with their superior technology, do they still not understand us?

60 frickin' years!

They are trying desperately to make themselves "truly" known to humans. That means, they only want humans to learn the right things. But there is so much dogma, superstition, fear, propaganda and denial, that when they show themselves, it means lots of different and detrimental things to us. Instead of creating solutions and answers so we can move more quickly toward opening communication between our worlds, it creates more confusion for us.

Simply, if you saw an alien craft fly over your home, who would you tell or ask about it? What would you be told about it, and would you believe everything or anything you were told? Least of all, you would believe the aliens if they told you who they were and what they were doing.

The alien races have been steadily increasing sightings over our history. Every sighting is planned and placed for that purpose. And the frequency and proximity of sightings is quickly rising to the point of when suddenly, the &#*! is going to hit the fan, and everybody on Earth is going to know, and nobody is going to be able to hide it, and no one government is going to be able to control information or shut anybody up about it.

It happens in some way to every newer world of intelligent life. We humans are just having an especially hard time because of dogma and government control of information.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 04:26 PM
Good question you posed 'Deimos'

In my opinion they would be exploring the contents of the universe. I think its naive to think of us as the only race in the universe and i firmly believe in e.t's and ufo's.

We are similar as think of all those satalites in space and the activity that is taking place on mars. That is learning more about the universe and about life etc.

Wouldnt you love to be able to monitor other forms of life on other planets. I think it would be fasanating (spelling?).

Think of the people who go in the ocean and look at the see creatures and fish.

Its the experience of discovering


posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 06:18 PM
Good responses, thanks everyone.

Wouldnt you love to be able to monitor other forms of life on other planets. I think it would be fasanating (spelling?).

Think of the people who go in the ocean and look at the see creatures and fish.

Its the experience of discovering

Agreed, although that part scares me somewhat.
What if (probably allready happening) the aliens treated us, similiarly as we treat other species on our own planet ? (I.E DNA/Genetic manipulation/mutilation, experimentation etc)

[edit on 14-6-2004 by Deimos]

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 06:21 PM

but damn it, you should know what a cult is. If it looks like a cult, sounds like a cult and stinks like a cult, it's a cult.

lol, I know that much, I just found the site interesting, mainly because of the claims listed on it.
I.E the 60k of members, the 20 million embassy they're going to build etc.
Personally i'll believe it when I see it, but it'd be shocking if one day they did build an embassy and aliens did land, wouldn't it?

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Deimos

I.E the 60k of members, the 20 million embassy they're going to build etc.
Personally i'll believe it when I see it, but it'd be shocking if one day they did build an embassy and aliens did land, wouldn't it?

The aliens will definately land. And the raelians might build their 20 million dollar embassy because that is the gullibility of humans, but the two things are unrealated.

Shocking, yes. Which will be more shocking, I wonder.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 07:39 PM
Hehe true
Anyone know or can you guess a date of when they might finally make contact? or will it carry on as it is in secrecy?

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 07:43 PM
I have always wondered about this question as well. Why (if aliens are real) are they watching us?

There are many possible answers to this question, they are studying us, they created us somehow, they like to watch conflicts and violence etc...

But really. If there are aliens flying around in saucers, watching us, studying us, there is the possibility that we cannot comprehend why they are doing so. They are alien. Having grown up in a completely different enviornment, and whatever! By definition, their motives and reasoning are alien to us, and we might not suspect why they are visiting.

Maybe they are obsessed with the color orange, and like looking for it anywhere it may be. Im not saying this is the case, but it could be. Their motives are unknown, just like every other aspect of them. Maybe they are bipedal, with binocular vision, but that may be all they have in common with us.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Deimos
Anyone know or can you guess a date of when they might finally make contact? or will it carry on as it is in secrecy?

The organization of our visiting races has been working toward open contact for a long time. Some individual races have already offered and requested open contact with the U.S. but the U.S. refused. Now the aliens have chosen Japan for it. I do not know exactly when it will happen and the aliens don't know exactly either. A few things and people have to be place for it to be successful. When everything is in place, the aliens will do it.

This is not the first choice of the aliens, of all ways to make open contact. This is the way they are forced by our world leaders to do it. They can't wait any longer for our countries to get it all together, or for our leaders to say the word. Our world is in a kind of "alien information gridlock" where nothing's getting through fast enough and nobody here knows which way is up, and nobody will just ask the aliens. lol.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
They are trying desperately to make themselves "truly" known to humans. That means, they only want humans to learn the right things. But there is so much dogma, superstition, fear, propaganda and denial, that when they show themselves, it means lots of different and detrimental things to us. Instead of creating solutions and answers so we can move more quickly toward opening communication between our worlds, it creates more confusion for us.

...I have a hard time believing that....

There will be dogma, superstition, fear, propaganda, denial, and confusion whether they show themselves or not. If it has taken them decades, even hundreds of years to figure that out, then they may not be as intelligent as we make them out to be.
If they really wanted communication, why not just talk to the world leaders, or the world's elite instead of some farmer in a rural area? Why not talk to more believable people?

Do you really believe that if in '40s they said "we're here!" would be any different if they said it tomorrow? Or 5 years from now? Nope. You'd get the exact same reactions.

How do you know all this stuff anyway? Which "race" told you of their plans?

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 01:10 AM
Of course, you can just picture them landing somewhere with the public watching and it'd only take one bloody idiot to open fire on them to start an intergalactic war. :/
Bound to happen, heh

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

The organization of our visiting races has been working toward open contact for a long time. Some individual races have already offered and requested open contact with the U.S. but the U.S. refused. Now the aliens have chosen Japan for it. I do not know exactly when it will happen and the aliens don't know exactly either. A few things and people have to be place for it to be successful. When everything is in place, the aliens will do it.

I too would like to know the source of this information. Do you have a name for the aliens or race that gave you this?

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by Deimos
Good responses, thanks everyone.

Wouldnt you love to be able to monitor other forms of life on other planets. I think it would be fasanating (spelling?).

Think of the people who go in the ocean and look at the see creatures and fish.

Its the experience of discovering

Agreed, although that part scares me somewhat.
What if (probably allready happening) the aliens treated us, similiarly as we treat other species on our own planet ? (I.E DNA/Genetic manipulation/mutilation, experimentation etc)

[edit on 14-6-2004 by Deimos]

I guess in that scenario we can say there is cattle mutalations and abductions. Maybe there is good and bad out there.

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