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Video of Strange Sky Phenomenon - UK

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posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:19 AM
A video of a possible UFO over North Berwick and Broxburn (East Lothian, Scotland) was sent to news programme

Whilst videoing a strange rainbow coloured cloud - an object became visible ahead of the cloud

Well worth a look !


Another viewer had submitted a video of 7 objects in the same area a few days earlier


posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:31 AM
both shots are just a little "too similar" same camera mabey? Regardless, pretty cool. I BELIEVE.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:55 AM
The first video is a Sundog Possibly with a low cloud passing by it causing the darker "saucer" shape.

The second video, and the description given, is consistent with a sighting of Chinese Lanterns.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:04 AM
i live about 50 miles south of north berwick, there's been a few times I've seen strange things in the sky in that area when I've been on the road to and from edinburgh

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:05 AM
Thanks for that - just had to look up sundog on wikipedia

"A sun dog or sundog (scientific name parhelion, plural parhelia, from Greek parēlion, (παρήλιον), παρά(beside) + ήλιος(sun), "beside the sun"; also called a mock sun) is an atmospheric phenomenon that creates bright spots of light in the sky, often on a luminous ring or halo on either side of the sun.[1]"

Sundogs may appear as a colored patch of light to the left or right of the sun, 22° distant and at the same distance above the horizon as the sun, and in ice halos. They can be seen anywhere in the world during any season, but they are not always obvious or bright. Sundogs are best seen and are most conspicuous when the sun is low.


One photograph on the "sundog" page looks exacly like the rainbow cloud filmed

Would this explain the solid looking object in front of the cloud?

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:16 AM
How frustrating was that first video to watch?

Why didnt they stop the car and get a proper shot if it?

The good old 'Chinese Lantern' explanation probably does apply to the second video. The lights appear to be generally higher to the right of the frame suggesting lanterns being released from the ground with an interval of time between each release.

An interesting 3 minutes of viewing though!

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:17 AM
Just having a look and there seems to have been quite a few sightings in the Lothian area

This one was particularly Interesting


“Britain's only criminal case to arise from an apparent alien encounter.
He claimed that he saw a large, spherical object, around 20 foot wide. Two smaller spheres then dropped from the craft, rolled towards him and attached themselves to his trousers.
The next thing Mr Taylor said he remembered was waking up with a pounding head, a sore throat and a bitter taste in his mouth. He said he calculated later that he had been unconscious for 20 minutes.
Police treated the incident as assault, but said the case left them baffled.”

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:20 AM
Thanks for posting - this is right in my neck of the woods and very near to the infamous UFO encounter at Dechmont (see below if interested)

I would likely agree that they are chinese lanterns, weather has been good (for a change) and people have been having BBQs etc - in saying that I thought it was interesting that the ones on the left looked like Orion's belt..

I'll keep a cheeky wee eye on this and see if I hear anything locally


posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by suziwong

Isn't that only because the Country is smaller than many others and cloudy all the time? Of course!!

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by suziwong
A video of a possible UFO over North Berwick and Broxburn (East Lothian, Scotland) was sent to news programme

Whilst videoing a strange rainbow coloured cloud - an object became visible ahead of the cloud

Well worth a look !


Another viewer had submitted a video of 7 objects in the same area a few days earlier


First link iridescent cloud see here

Second link on post Chinese Lanterns sorry no UFO's

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 09:28 AM
Doesn't look convincing to me. The first video is of a cloud in the sunset. The second most likely chinese lanterns.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by wmd_2008

The irredescent cloud is interesting - a very spectacular natural occurence (although, interestingly, I have noted that some attribute them to chem-trailing)

This phenomenon alone would not account for what appears to be a large solid object in front of the cloud - is this a camera artefact? a cloud? a lighting anomaly? - what are your thoughts

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by suziwong

I thought it was a cloud at first but, after looking at it again it seems to change position in relation to the 'sundog' (or whatever it is).

This gives the impression that it actually is a solid object but, once again, it's hard to make out with video jumping around like that.

Perhaps somone could isolate and enlarge a frame showing this object? I'd do it myself but dont know how.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by suziwong
reply to post by wmd_2008

The irredescent cloud is interesting - a very spectacular natural occurence (although, interestingly, I have noted that some attribute them to chem-trailing)

This phenomenon alone would not account for what appears to be a large solid object in front of the cloud - is this a camera artefact? a cloud? a lighting anomaly? - what are your thoughts

Well someone said a sundog but its also possible that the sensor on the camera is having a hard time dealing with the light level SO its not a UFO

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