+41 more
posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:43 PM
Enjoy this video:
It is only a few minutes long.
This representative is sitting there having a town hall. When a Minuteman gets up to ask about the borders, the representatives first response is,
"Oh, you are from the Minutemen? Who are you going to kill today?"
And then it goes downhill from there. Despite a room full of popular support. For example, when it is suggested that we build a wall, he says,
"Tell you what. We will let you go down and design the wall. And when you are done shooting people, i will start a ladder company."
This is the kind of respect our elected officials have for you, folks. This is what you are going into the voting booth to address in November. And
in two Novembers after that. This man, who used strawman arguments (yes, more than one) to belittle his constituent....this represents Washington.
We are at a crossroads, folks. Not just our nation, but the world over. We have a chance to "right the ship". Yeah, it is going to hurt. But we
must do it.
When you go pull that lever this November, remember this video. The cynicism and sarcasm expressed by our leaders, our employees.