posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:59 AM
A lot of people *HAD good hearts. Many of these people took in New Orleans residents, only to be robbed blind, raped or out-right murdered. I saw some
statistics that said 80% of people who took in residents from New Orleans after Katrina (without knowing them first), had negative experiences with
the families that were taken in. I think a lot of people would now have a bad taste in their mouths for taking in people now, not realizing that their
experiences are probably related to animals of New Orleans. It's too bad that some heathens from New Orleans may have ruined it for sincere people
who might need the same charity down the road.
Also, the towns that received refugees experienced sky-rocketing crime levels. For instance, in Houston the evacuees totaled less than 10 percent of
the population, yet the murder rate alone jumped up over 21 percent and this is within the first two months. As time went on, the crime rate got even
worse. By February, a little over four months after receiving the refugees, around 90 percent of all murders on the South West Side of Houston (where
a lot of the evacuees settled) were committed or suspected to be committed by the refugees.
Unfortunately, this kind of thing played out in almost all cities that took a sizable number of evacuees. Sadly, New Orleans' heathens may have
screwed the pooch for people's generosity. I could almost guarantee that many of those people who took New Orleans residents in, would not do it
again. There were so many stories coming out about families being robbed, raped and murdered for simply trying to help someone out.