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so where will the water go?

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posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 01:20 PM
The water has to go somewhere?

even if we think small there has been milllions and millions of barrels released and more to follow.

where is it going to place the water are we just beginning to see the effects and will this cause a coastal water displacement changing sea levels and temperatures could this leak change the all important ocean currents we need to regulate the earth .

im just one worried man no expert. just asking a question so please go easy with the wheres the proof mumbo jumbo if i had proof id be in front of congress....

Be Well

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 01:50 PM
I was wondering the same thing,i live on the coast in oz,any rise in sea levels will effect us.
Does the displacement right itself? I look at all the rivers that pour into our ocean,millions of liters,as well as storm water or effluent.
I wonder how much would have to spill into the sea for it to effect sea levels,it would have to be heaps.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 02:02 PM
On various threads i have asked many times the following.

Is the oil and methane that is leaking been replaced by sea water???
And if this is the case will the weaker density of water result in the total collapse of the gulf area?

I say yes!! I said on the very first thread what could happen but yet again laughed off, maybe people should start listening and thinking with an open mind. I also stated the horrendous implications of hurricanes? At the time that was ignored too. Sitting screaming at the screen and throwing a tantrum hasnt helped me at all,
What will it take for people to see whats happening here, and elsewhere?
Tell me please, what do i have to do?

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 03:36 PM
Great Thread! Star and Flag for you!

I have been also thinking the same thing. I have been trying to do a little research in the past week about the make up of the sea floor in the GOM. I haven't had to much success. I keep thinking about the Macondo Block 252 reservoir supply. It is said it holds about 100 million barrels of oil....and I read that "As of June 28th, BP has successfully removed 28 million gallons (i.e. 900,000 barrels) of oily liquid and burned about 9.9 million gallons (i.e. 300,000 barrels) of oil. [20]"
So, there is a lot more oil that can be displaced!

When researching I came across a map that the colors on the map describe the hardness of the seafloor surface. There were other maps too but, I am not very familiar with all the scientific terms. So I am still trying to figure out some of the maps.

When looking at the map it states: "The colors on this reflectivity map describe the hardness of the sea-floor surface. Blue represents soft bottom, such as silt or mud, which is the most common bottom type in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists on Expedition to the Deep Slope are primarily interested in the yellow and red areas, the hard bottom."

So if most of the Gulf of Mexico has a soft bottom made of silt or mud wouldn't that mean a collapse? When looking at the map it mostly looks blue. Also, wouldn't that reservoir be spread out under the sea floor? Not just underneath the oil rig?

This is a link to a poster of the Gulf of Mexico without water.

I started to think of sinkholes. Could the displacement of oil cause a collapse that would then create a giant sinkhole? So I looked up some information on sinkholes:

"In most areas of the southeastern United States, the limestone bedrock is not directly exposed at the surface, but is covered by a variable thickness of sand, silt and clay."

"Under natural conditions, sinkholes usually form rather slowly, over the course of many years. However, some human activities can trigger abrupt sinkhole formation, or accelerate processes that have been going on for a long time. Activities such as dredging, diversion of surface drainage systems, or pumping of ground water can accelerate the natural growth of sinkholes."

I am defiantly no expert in this.. and I apologize if it sounds confusing. I am not even sure if the oil being displaced will even create a collapse or sinkhole. Maybe the water will take the place of the oil. So if anyone has any expertise or input I would be interested in knowing as I am sure many others would be as well.


posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Happyfeet84

Great post,you have touched or re touched on issues greatly overlooked in the beginning which are now seeming much more important.
Apparently the reserve goes up round the pan handle iam sure its on a thread here somewhere.
This is really only the very start of this BP disaster,,, If we,the common people can see some of the problems arising,then what do BP scientists know???

In this whole BP catastrophe the one simple thing that should sound alarm is the CEO selling his shares off,this one single event should be enough for any conspiracy buff to work out that what ever has gone on down there is going to ruin BP, let alone what its going to do to our world.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by iceblue20-12

Thank-you, I will have to look though previous threads to read up more on the topic. This whole thing is just devastating to our planet! The fact that the signs of conspiracy are everywhere... from the CEO selling stock.... to the buying of stocks in the company that makes the dispersant in Nov. 2009, it is down right dirty and wrong!

I struggle anymore with humanity and the people in charge of our world. The common person CAN see it! Are we not worth anything to them? What harm could come from telling us what could happen or what they know? If they are worried about mass panic.... it doesn't make sense, you will have that no matter what.

Them not telling us I find it insulting to our intelligence. It makes me feel that they feel we aren't intelligent enough to help out in a time of need or understand the situation. It's just lies after lies to cover this up. Well they are doing a poor job of hiding it, if that is really what they are trying to do. The signs are in plain sight. Karma is a b**** and it will come back to haunt them but then again, they have no emotions or feelings, so they won't be affected by it.

Honestly, they know more than the common person. Wouldn't it be smarter to tell us and have the people prepare or at least unite to do whatever it takes to help as much as we can?

Also, I was thinking if that reservoir goes around the pan handle, I wonder what are the chances of the oil and chemicals eroding the foundation of Florida?

"In its general geology Florida is of comparitively simple structure. The rocks are all of sedimentary origin, no igneous or greatly metamorphosed rocks occurring in the state. The starata lie for the most part either horizontally as formed or with a slightly accentuated dip, and have suffered no great distortion such as often characterises the rock of a mountainous country. These sedimentary formations consist of limestone, sandstone, shales, and clays, the underlying foundation rock throughout the state being a massive and very thick limestone."

Then will Florida be experiencing more sinkholes for the acidity of the water?

"The sinkholes are common where the rock below the land surface is limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds, or rocks that can naturally be dissolved by circulating ground water. As the rock dissolves, spaces and caverns develop underground. These sinkholes can be dramatic because the surface land usually stays intact until there is not enough support. Then, a sudden collapse of the land surface can occur."

I'm tired of waiting and sitting on the sidelines. This is a huge disaster that will have years and years of consequences. Sorry I am rambling... this situation make me so MAD!


posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Happyfeet84

I think your feelings are well represented by those here,and by those in the gulf.
Across the world those that understand what is happening are angry too,if that was the beach in my back yard, i would be in jail already,having towed the bp officials thru their own mess by their necks on long tethers.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 05:35 PM
I predict it will disrupt the atlantic hurricanes capability andalso disrupt natural Atlantic's coveyer belt...

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by SSimon

if the conveyer is broke here comes the hollywood ending for mankind not freaking good!

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:25 PM
i've been thinking about this as wel

florida as a geological land mass is very porous, at least underneat itself

that's why florida has so many natural clear water springs and so much of the bottled spring water in america, at least around that region, comes from places in florida!

i'm guessing that there is almost no way one can avoid the oil and chemicals in the gulf now eventually following the same path that water eventually takes in the region before being spat out a spring and into your drinking water

will the florida underground porous rock and sand be good enough filtration? as of now natural spring water is considered very pure and very clean, they bottle it for drinking without doing much more to it because it's been filtered so well already... but will the natural filtration process be enough to filter out all of the oil? the chemicals?

that's what i've been wondering and i think you are on target with this thread

there really is no way around it

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by jazz10
On various threads i have asked many times the following.

Is the oil and methane that is leaking been replaced by sea water???
And if this is the case will the weaker density of water result in the total collapse of the gulf area?

I dont think the crude is what is holding up the sea floor, if that is what you are implying. It seems to be in caverns that are stable on their own. If I am wrong, i would love to see evidence and a good explanation.

Oil is pumped out of wells all the time, it doesnt collapse the ground or the sea floor normally. Why would this be any different?

If the well collapses, that might be a different story, since the water will most likely quickly be displaced, but the oil not being under the sea floor doesnt mean it will collapse.

will the florida underground porous rock and sand be good enough filtration? as of now natural spring water is considered very pure and very clean, they bottle it for drinking without doing much more to it because it's been filtered so well already... but will the natural filtration process be enough to filter out all of the oil? the chemicals?

So, those natural springs are fed with sea water? Really?

[edit on 30-6-2010 by justadood]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by justadood

the main point that dictates my train of thought is just a general amount of knowledge in the fact that our planet is one giant ecosystem, in this case the oil, biodegraded or not, has to at some point go somewhere, and eventually will be everywhere, seeing how it's proximity to a large mass of natural springs, i am suggesting that the springs sources could well become tainted with oil

from what i can gather at wikipedia, general terms used are

recharge area= the place where rain water, or any kind of water soaks into the ground, into caves or somehow makes it's way into the earth, this is the source of natural spring water

the water then joins up and gather's into the natural groundwater

The groundwater then travels though a network of cracks and fissures - openings ranging from intergranular spaces to large caves. The water eventually emerges from below the surface, in the form of a spring.

i think the important part, or term, here being the 'recharge area'
if the recharge areas are polluted overly by the oil and chemicals, then they could taint the spring water

here are some various contaminants with concern to natural spring's recharge areas

more accurately from that above link is this (runoff and storm water) pertaining to the impact the oil and chemicals could have

As stormwater flows off of highways, county roads, parking lots, and residential developments, it carries with it heavy metals, petroleum by-products, pet wastes, and pollutants. Stormwater primarily affects surface waters, however some of these contaminants may reach the aquifer. Although scientists are still collecting data, these contaminants may be putting stress on native plants and animals, and endangering endemic underwater invertebrates that exist nowhere else in the world. Stormwater that is directed into karst features like sinkholes without any form of pre-treatment can have an even greater direct impact on groundwater quality and the springs.

petroleum byproducts are listed here as being a pretty serious case in polluting the natural underground water supply, and the contaminents can reach the aquifer, the sand, clay and porous area that cleans the water before it comes out of the spring

.....anyways, like i said, i'm no scientist on the subject, but there are some links and information to clarify my concerns about ONE of the areas this oil and chemicals might end up

[edit on 6/30/2010 by indigothefish]

[edit on 6/30/2010 by indigothefish]

[edit on 6/30/2010 by indigothefish]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 09:51 PM
Good question. Along those lines, I've been wondering if I'm even going to eat seafood after too much longer. How can we be sure in the near future that the seafood we eat hasn't been tainted with the oil? It seems this spill will have far-reaching effects that some people don't seem to be grasping.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by indigothefish

While i'm not saying i disagree with your synposis, are the springs poisoned from the Ixtoc spill 30 years ago?

That was a LOT of oil and 'dispersants' as well.

No, that doesnt mean i think this is 'no big deal'.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by justadood

interest point

well we know the ixtoc spill lasted about 10 months and spilled 140 million gallons of oil

In the end, Ixtoc spewed a record 140 million gallons of oil.

at the current time of my posting this thread response (thursday, july 1st, 2010) 104,304,500 gallons have spilt into the gulf, (as well as an unknown large quantity of chemical dispersants that are being used throughout every effected region of the gulf as well as being pumped directly at the leak site) real time monitor of deep water horizon oil spill

so ixtoc = 140 million

(4th largest oil spill in the world's history according to wikipedia)

( 140,000,000 gallons in ixtoc, and 104,304,500 from deep water horizon, the difference is 35,695,500 gallons...)

at 11.67 gallons per second ( 35,695,500 / 11.67 = 3058740.36... ) it will take about 3058740 seconds to surpass ixtoc in size, which (an easier comparison..) ( 3058740 seconds / 60 = 50979 minutes... 50979 minutes /60 = about 850 hours... and lastly... 850 hours / 24 = 35.4 ... which can be rounded to 35.5

or basically 35 and a half days until the current oil spill surpasses the ixtoc oil spill and, for this arguments sake, the ixtoc oil spill no longer is relavant as comparison

i'd also like to mention again the the ixtoc oil spill lasted 10 months, as well as 3 months of continued spill AFTER they drilled releif wells... we haven't even tapped our releif wells yet, so even if at this very second that i am typing we started draining pressure in releif wells, chances are we would still have 3 or more months of spill left, after one month of which the spill wil surpass the ixtoc

so there really is no way around it: the current gulf oil spil is going to surpass the ixtoc spill, and any comparison between the two spills does not shed any knowledge on the current situation which is much worse

hahaha, sory man, didn't mean to be such a bummer with that one

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