posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 09:21 PM
I lived my entire life on the west coast , where both the terms, "hell" and "Damn". Were not only common, but a common mode of speach that you
could use under even buisness realations with your customers. I have moved to Missouri, and have been told that both of these terms are not only
horrible but definitely unproffessional to use. I can understand that the majority of the super religeous are in the midwest, especially in the
Ozarks where I have recently learned there are over 1700 churches in the area. I can see that these words have been taught to be wrong far more than
where I moved from. Here is my issue, I can see using the term "Jesus" as a derogatory term would be an issue to be angry at . Much as the
Muslims are willing to attack and kill the people of the Netherlands for supporting a cartoon artist who makes a cartoon including Mohhamed. But the
words hell and damn confuse me. If hell is such a bad place that christians not only believe in and want others to believe in, shouldn't the word be
derogatory in every day speach to continue to remind people that hell is a bad place? As far as "damn" is concerned, it is short for "damnation",
and has spurred many other sayings including damn it. If damnation is also such a bad thing, shouldn't Christians also promote this as derogitory
form to remind them? For all those of us who are not Christians, Muslims, Buddists, or any other religeon this has become common speak in the U.S. You
would think Christians would be grateful for us using these terms as "bad things". My only question is why are the christians stopping it if they
want their ideas to carry forward?