To my fellow ATS'ers, from America and the World,
For your intellectual and reading pleasure, I present the Declaration of Independence in it's original text.
As another 4th of July approaches, let us all try to remember the sacrifice and courage of our Founding Fathers. The struggle they faced, together,
should give us solace and hope in trying times such as those we face today.
It has been 234 years since the American Colonies broke away from their British allegiance and became the country we know today. Since that time, the
United States has known its share of highs and lows, triumphs and defeats, feast and famine.
Times like these we now face are difficult. The past 10 years have challenged America like no other time before, and we are all trying to cope with
our current struggles the best way we can.
And although things seem to be careening out of control, let's not forget that our ancestors also dealt with matters that, at their time, seemed
The Civil War.
World Wars I and II.
The Great Despression
Vietnam... and up to our current crisis in the Middle East, Gulf of Mexico, and economic hardships.
We should always question and maintain vigilance and not fool ourselves into believing everything is "ok", but let us not get so downtrodden as to
think all hope is lost.
As long as men desire freedom and are willing to sacrifice for it, we have a chance.
With that in mind, I wish you all a happy and joyous 4th of July weekend and I ask that you keep our country in your prayers or thoughts, whatever the
case may be.