posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 02:03 AM
At Israels acceptance into the United Nations, Israel agreed to "Facilitate the return of the displaced Palestinians as soon as possible"
Immediately upon acceptance into the UN Israel proceeded to create even more rufugees by attacking Palestinian villages and forcing the people to
leave. Over 500 villages have been "cleansed" of Palestinians and inhabited by Israelis. In fact, I do not know of even one agreement, concerning
the Palestinians that Israel has adhered to. Not one! They agreed to abide by UN resolutions. tThere are several hundred resolutions against Israel.
How many have they honored? Not one! They agreed under the "Road Map" to stop settlement building. They continue to build! They agreed to
dismantle hilltop out posts. They are still there, all 121 of them. How many of you believe Israel is a "Rogue" country?