posted on Mar, 20 2003 @ 07:47 PM
in the words of the late, great Mr Hicks, 'A war is when *TWO* armies are fighting', so lets not think of it as a war. let's think of it as a
Last time round it was the daisy-cutter that was making the headlines. (Lovely name. Heinous weapon of unnecercary carnage and destruction.)
apparently these wonderfull toys can penetrate mountainsides and kill whoever is hiding underneath them. The fact is that if your enemies are hiding
underground in caves while you're capet bombing seven shades of spandex out of the surrounding countryside, you've probably allready won. There are
only two reasons I can think of to want to bomb all hell out of a mountain that may (or may) not have people underneath it, who may (or may not) be
the people you're looking for, who may (or may not) allready be dead. Either you like watching things go boom, or you stand to make an enormous
amount of money in the process of re-arming your country, due to the fact that your family owns an outragious amout of shares in the US arms industry.
This time they're wheeling out another shiny new bomb. the 'MOAB', which i'm sure you've heard all about. The marvels of modern technoligy.
Apparently this one can level more buildings, create bigger craters, and generaly obliterate more tinkers, tailors and candlestick makers than ever
before. I give it a month before they're selling them on QVC, along with electric carving knives and sets of cordless power drills.
Apparently it's of vital importance that we drop them before Iraq launches it's elite squadron of rubber-band powered drones, to impinge on your
constitultionaly protected civil rights by buzzing inefectualy across the skies of a county tousands of miles away that most of you will never even
Maybe then the best name for this glorified shooting gallery would be "operation fish in a barrel". or maybe I'm just a jaded old hippy who should
have joined the NRA and built himself a bunker somewhere like everybody else.
[Edited on 21-3-2003 by Rex_Monday]