I consider myself "Free" right now. Technically speaking. Because I am sitting here in my room, without anyone attacking me, beating me up,
imprisoning me physically. You get the idea.
Physical body freedom. Where I am technically "left alone" by the system right now.
I don't have any money, and the minute I get some, it goes to the basic bills. This is probably WHY the system ignores me, I am not worth anything. I
am a no body.
I cannot even get on their radar posting on ATS, lol thats how no body I am.
If I go outside of my house, I face red tape all around me preventing me from doing what I actually think I should be able to do without a permit.
Do you know what would happen if you let a kid set up a lemonade stand today? Well they better follow the correct legal routes, or this kid may end
up with legal problems.
All consumed stuff goes through gov't regulations. So having some kid selling who knows what and calling it lemonade just randomly out on the
streetcorner; it's dangerous and must be regulated, hell it could have drano or antifreeze or any toxic stuff in it for god's sake... Right?
Look at how crappy this world has become. Some of you actually bought into that crap I just said about the lemonade stand. I might have SCARED you by
saying "who knows what" and listing a few random chemicals off the top of my head.
Seriously people get a grip. We need to stop trying to control other people "to protect them". It's like everyone thinks everyone else is too dumb
to make any correct decisions.
Who cares if someone walks off a cliff. I DON'T. I know I WONT so I DONT care IF you DO. Hell JUMP off I have NO problem. Your life your choice.
Just don't hurt anyone else. This is the only actual real rule. Don't hurt someone else's liberty or life.
I don't care if you are dumb or smart. I trust that you can figure it out yourself.
Does the government really need to tell everyone what to do in
every situation all the time???
Look, I think I am smart enough to figure out if a kid's lemonade stand is safe or not ok. I don't think we need the FDA or local police intervening
in any way.
The free market gets to decide. And no matter how much control you think you have, you don't have ANY at ALL!
They run the entire "fake economy" and still get surprised by what it does, because they are fools. These dynamic forces cannot be controlled at
all, they are greater than any one idea by itself.
No one or group will ever have control it's a fantasy. An illusion. The forces of chaos always play heavily and unforeseen circumstance ALWAYS
But will I physically go to jail one day for basically not having any money to give them in the first place??? For being poor?
Or maybe for my speech???
I am going to live another 100years unless killed by some horrible accident or if someone else (or even a bear lol) kills me. Many of you will live
longer than I will even, the younger you are the longer your expected lifespan is.
So will Our Liberties be protected for the next 100 years?
Do you see your Liberties being protected more today? Or less?
Do you see your Rights expanding? Or decreasing?
Which way is humanity headed? This isn't just about America, because "god given rights" apply to All humans no matter who. The Constitution
It has been sooo corrupted and almost no one understands this concept at all any more.
The Constitution does not give you rights, it protects the ones all human beings are born with.
The government is told rules about what it's job is. And how to go about protecting the right's of the citizens.
The Constitution does NOT TELL the people they can't do things. It is written BY THE PEOPLE to TELL THE GOVT what it CANNOT
I invite all non Americans to come into this one as well. Almost every nation on Earth is a REPUBLIC. The government is founded upon a Constitution
that governs it to protect the people's rights.
USSR was the Union of Soviet Socialist
China is the PRC People's
Republic of China.
North Korea DPRK Democratic People's
Republic of Korea
Even Nazi Germany was a Republic- it was brought into office because it was very popular and the MAJORITY supported it.
It only became a dictatorship after they started LOSING the war, after the tides turned, because then they blamed their defeat and humiliation on
their foolish government heads. (But right before that they were all gung-ho).
Of course tons of people got oppressed. And still do. Because the MAJORITY is in favor of it. The MAJORITY always uses "democracy" to oppress the
That is why Republics were formed, to get away from MOB MENTALITY.
Rather than the majority or the minority ruling, all citizens would be treated equally and their RIGHTS would be PROTECTED. This is the ONLY reason a
REPUBLIC was invented. To protect us from having our Liberties infringed!!!
The government never has a right to infringe anyone's liberty. No nation on Earth has this right. No human does either. All humans are born with full
The only thing that can happen after you are born, is to systematically have your Liberty protected, or stripped from you. Only a 2 way street.
Either Liberty is being protected, or it is being trampled.
That is why we need to LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE.
I do NOT CARE if that lemonade stand is contaminated and dangerous. I don't!!!
I support any kid making a lemonade stand; I believe in something that made life worth living and I refuse to let it die without at least complaining
on the Internet LOL!
Do YOU think you can just sit around at your house for 100years without getting arrested ????
I have strange doubts, by looking at even my fellow ATSers, that I will have the liberty to just sit here in my own house without being arrested.
It seems bound to happen within at least 50years.
100years from now? It seems extremely unlikely my liberty could remain protected for that long.
Let's be realistic here folks. Most of you want more government and regulations.
/end rant
Ok, Now I feel better. I am going to go outside or something and look at the grass/trees/birds.
Better enjoy this "Freedom" while it lasts!