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I am "Free" today, but how long will it last?

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posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:20 PM
I consider myself "Free" right now. Technically speaking. Because I am sitting here in my room, without anyone attacking me, beating me up, imprisoning me physically. You get the idea.

Physical body freedom. Where I am technically "left alone" by the system right now.

I don't have any money, and the minute I get some, it goes to the basic bills. This is probably WHY the system ignores me, I am not worth anything. I am a no body.

I cannot even get on their radar posting on ATS, lol thats how no body I am.

If I go outside of my house, I face red tape all around me preventing me from doing what I actually think I should be able to do without a permit.

Do you know what would happen if you let a kid set up a lemonade stand today? Well they better follow the correct legal routes, or this kid may end up with legal problems.

All consumed stuff goes through gov't regulations. So having some kid selling who knows what and calling it lemonade just randomly out on the streetcorner; it's dangerous and must be regulated, hell it could have drano or antifreeze or any toxic stuff in it for god's sake... Right?

Look at how crappy this world has become. Some of you actually bought into that crap I just said about the lemonade stand. I might have SCARED you by saying "who knows what" and listing a few random chemicals off the top of my head.

Seriously people get a grip. We need to stop trying to control other people "to protect them". It's like everyone thinks everyone else is too dumb to make any correct decisions.

Who cares if someone walks off a cliff. I DON'T. I know I WONT so I DONT care IF you DO. Hell JUMP off I have NO problem. Your life your choice.

Just don't hurt anyone else. This is the only actual real rule. Don't hurt someone else's liberty or life.

I don't care if you are dumb or smart. I trust that you can figure it out yourself. Does the government really need to tell everyone what to do in every situation all the time???

Look, I think I am smart enough to figure out if a kid's lemonade stand is safe or not ok. I don't think we need the FDA or local police intervening in any way.

The free market gets to decide. And no matter how much control you think you have, you don't have ANY at ALL!
They run the entire "fake economy" and still get surprised by what it does, because they are fools. These dynamic forces cannot be controlled at all, they are greater than any one idea by itself.

No one or group will ever have control it's a fantasy. An illusion. The forces of chaos always play heavily and unforeseen circumstance ALWAYS arises.

But will I physically go to jail one day for basically not having any money to give them in the first place??? For being poor?
Or maybe for my speech???

I am going to live another 100years unless killed by some horrible accident or if someone else (or even a bear lol) kills me. Many of you will live longer than I will even, the younger you are the longer your expected lifespan is.

So will Our Liberties be protected for the next 100 years?

Do you see your Liberties being protected more today? Or less?
Do you see your Rights expanding? Or decreasing?

Which way is humanity headed? This isn't just about America, because "god given rights" apply to All humans no matter who. The Constitution was created TO PROTECT THEM WITH LAW.

It has been sooo corrupted and almost no one understands this concept at all any more.

The Constitution does not give you rights, it protects the ones all human beings are born with.

The government is told rules about what it's job is. And how to go about protecting the right's of the citizens.

The Constitution does NOT TELL the people they can't do things. It is written BY THE PEOPLE to TELL THE GOVT what it CANNOT DO.

I invite all non Americans to come into this one as well. Almost every nation on Earth is a REPUBLIC. The government is founded upon a Constitution that governs it to protect the people's rights.

USSR was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
China is the PRC People's Republic of China.
North Korea DPRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Even Nazi Germany was a Republic- it was brought into office because it was very popular and the MAJORITY supported it.
It only became a dictatorship after they started LOSING the war, after the tides turned, because then they blamed their defeat and humiliation on their foolish government heads. (But right before that they were all gung-ho).

Of course tons of people got oppressed. And still do. Because the MAJORITY is in favor of it. The MAJORITY always uses "democracy" to oppress the MINORITY.
That is why Republics were formed, to get away from MOB MENTALITY.

Rather than the majority or the minority ruling, all citizens would be treated equally and their RIGHTS would be PROTECTED. This is the ONLY reason a REPUBLIC was invented. To protect us from having our Liberties infringed!!!

The government never has a right to infringe anyone's liberty. No nation on Earth has this right. No human does either. All humans are born with full liberties.

The only thing that can happen after you are born, is to systematically have your Liberty protected, or stripped from you. Only a 2 way street.

Either Liberty is being protected, or it is being trampled.

That is why we need to LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE.

I do NOT CARE if that lemonade stand is contaminated and dangerous. I don't!!!

I support any kid making a lemonade stand; I believe in something that made life worth living and I refuse to let it die without at least complaining on the Internet LOL!

Do YOU think you can just sit around at your house for 100years without getting arrested ????

I have strange doubts, by looking at even my fellow ATSers, that I will have the liberty to just sit here in my own house without being arrested.

It seems bound to happen within at least 50years.

100years from now? It seems extremely unlikely my liberty could remain protected for that long.

Let's be realistic here folks. Most of you want more government and regulations.

/end rant

Ok, Now I feel better. I am going to go outside or something and look at the grass/trees/birds.

Better enjoy this "Freedom" while it lasts!

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:32 PM
I find it both sad and ironic that there in the u.s people are losing their freedom daily..
While in russia, china and other places people are becoming more free.
Yet people there in america are oblivious to whats happening.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Expat888
I find it both sad and ironic that there in the u.s people are losing their freedom daily..
While in russia, china and other places people are becoming more free.
Yet people there in america are oblivious to whats happening.

I believe many American citizens are being misled into wanting freedoms restricted.

"For our safety".

I see people demanding it. And they are so hard core, if the government doesn't do it, they will get their gun and go do it themselves.

It's freaking scary as hell.

We are right on the verge. IMHO.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:37 PM
Good post!

I also think that the too many people in the U.S. want the government to control every aspect of their lives. A lot of people seem to not want to take care of themselves. Some people are so dependent on the govt. that the govt. is taking advantage of the needs of some people and invading the rights and privacy of the rest of the populous.


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:47 PM
Well I don't plan on being a slave or prisoner. If it comes to a bloody revolution here in America i'm definetly not gona sit around and wait for TPTB come and haul my a$$ away.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:48 PM
To tell you the truth, you are simply as free as you allow yourself to be. Its all up to you in the end. I'm not being a super spiritualist or hippie here, I am just telling you the truth. You hold the keys to your own freedom, and no one can take them away from you. Embrace your own power over your life, and you will realize the truth.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by TheOneElectric]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

You are right, hate, anger and fear easily overcome us.

The golden rule:
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

Is simplified to:
Do others before they do you.

Because people are scared I guess. I hope next generations don't end up in a system like in "V for Vendetta", that would be really bad...

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:04 PM
I have been thinking about this very topic lately. Then it dawned upon me... I'm a Left-Libertarian, not a Democrat.

Take away all of the stupid regulations, socialize a few things, get us out of wars. Take the money we get from not going to war, use it on science, clean energy, and space travel.


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:26 PM
Freedom isn't free.

We are all slaves to the debt of our governments.

NO ONE shall be free until the debt is paid in full, with interest of course.

In the USA your share of that debt is now about $40,000 and growing by the second.

So, get off of your asses, get to work, no more time for talk or the internet. You are going to have to pay massive taxes and find a way to live on much less take home pay.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
To tell you the truth, you are simply as free as you allow yourself to be. Its all up to you in the end. I'm not being a super spiritualist or hippie here, I am just telling you the truth. You hold the keys to your own freedom, and no one can take them away from you. Embrace your own power over your life, and you will realize the truth.

[edit on 26-6-2010 by TheOneElectric]

Probably the most poignant answer so far


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

"I am "Free" today, but how long will it last?"

as long as the dollar, which is not long.

and no, you are not free today.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:54 PM
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose,"

How true are those lyrics???

"There's nothing more dangerous than a Man with nothing to lose"

One day they will get the people to that stage and then all hell will break loose...

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:13 PM
The minority rules the majority. How backwards.

The lemonade stand analogy can be extrapolated(sp) upon by understanding that in American society, the one who yells the loudest gets results no matter how insignificant.

Arsenic in one out of 100,000 lemonade stands would shut down lemonade production entirely.

It does'nt matter that your chances of getting the tainted lemonade equate to hitting the mega ball lottery, YOU'RE IN DANGER! Damn everyone elses rights, Your ignorance could get you killed!

The ignorance of the few outweighs the inteligence of the many.
OR the dumb luck of the few outweighs the odds in favor of the many.

OR..... for whatever reason..... someone does'nt want you to buy lemonade.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Tyler 720
The minority rules the majority. How backwards.

The lemonade stand analogy can be extrapolated(sp) upon by understanding that in American society, the one who yells the loudest gets results no matter how insignificant.

Arsenic in one out of 100,000 lemonade stands would shut down lemonade production entirely.

It does'nt matter that your chances of getting the tainted lemonade equate to hitting the mega ball lottery, YOU'RE IN DANGER! Damn everyone elses rights, Your ignorance could get you killed!

The ignorance of the few outweighs the inteligence of the many.
OR the dumb luck of the few outweighs the odds in favor of the many.

OR..... for whatever reason..... someone does'nt want you to buy lemonade.

If someone wanted to put arsenic in lemonade, a few little regulation rules wouldn't stop them. They are breaking a big enough law the way it is, killing people with arsenic, let alone producing it. Breaking the laws if selling lemonade isn't there biggest worry.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:20 PM
Freedom is anarchy.

The word anarchy is scary because the media demonizes anarchy constantly.

"Anarchists" riot at the G20 meetings and destroy private property.

This is pure propaganda.

Real anarcho-capitalism is all about peace and upholding private property rights. Anarcho-capitalism is the voluntary society. Taxes require violence, thus they are wrong.

The reason why the state targets anarchy more than any other political view is because it is the true peaceful state of man.

Lean more by clicking the link in my signature.

Austrian economics (the economics of Ron Paul) IS anarcho-capitalism.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:21 PM
Perhaps a simpler analogy.

I got a splinter in my finger from a toothpick.
Ban all toothpicks.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I KNOW THE FEELING BUDDY this world has gone crazy.

I went fishing the other day and im sitting there minding my own buisness
and some prick comes up to me in plain clothes and asks me to open my bag because it was a rule that your not aloud to take more than 2 bass fish in a 48 hour period and also he wanted to see my licence.I felt like shooting him lol,i never keep the any fish.
They i get home and my next door neighbours kids got minimotos moterbikes ,guys these are tiny little bikes maybe a foot[12 inches] in height, the police came and said that we had watch the kids come out of the garden on the bikes,they drove a extra 10 feet to turn the bike around to go back on to there land because they dont have much room in garden.
What did they do?? instead of putting the bikes in the back seat of the police car they ordered a tow truck so the people would have to pay more to get them back!!!! The tow truck driver turned up and put them in the back of the cab of the truck,This world is a joke!!! THE TOW TRUCK WAS BIG ENOUGH TO PUT A BROKEN DOWN TRUCK ON!!!!

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 10:46 AM
Muzzleflash, great read and I concur.
But one thing is for sure.

As TheOneElectric said:

You are as free as you allow yourself to be.

Now for my original protest...

Originally posted by johnny c
reply to post by muzzleflash

I went fishing the other day and im sitting there minding my own buisness
and some prick comes up to me in plain clothes and asks me to open my bag because it was a rule that your not aloud to take more than 2 bass fish in a 48 hour period and also he wanted to see my licence.I felt like shooting him lol,i never keep the any fish.

Well, first johnny c, you should pay attention to the T & C here.
I'm not a mod, but I can't quote you without fixing the swear words...

You're irrational statements are purely sensationalistic in nature.
You can't shoot people or threaten to shoot someone over checking for game limits.
Were you on someone's property?

If you were an avid fisherman and knew the regulations for conservation, you would not be so upset. Obviously you are not, because you even stated you throw away the fish. I hope you mean throw them back in the water.
If you just trash them, that is detestable.

As an avid fisher/hunter myself, I have to adhere to the set rules, not because its the "NWO trying to control me", but because idiots have ruined it for the rest of us law-abiding citizens.

When you have people fishing just to throw away the fish and using dynamite for fun in a lake, or whatever, you need rules to control the situation.
People like this are the reasons that laws are enacted...

As for the corruption in some laws, or anything of that nature, that's another topic.

So be careful how you words things friend.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Lemonade stand requirements.

First off, the product will have to be pasteurized and homogenized.
You will have to get a permit to run a business.
You will have to get the stand inspected for cleanliness by the health department.
You will have to submit to the IRS a EIN.
You will have to file your W4 form.
You will have to have a MSDS book for all material present in the stand.
You will have to secure liability insurance.
You will have to provide all workers with a toilet facility and wash up center if operating outside.
You will have to provide a weekly safety meeting per OSHA.

Now, there are about 10 more steps but the biggest one is, how old is the child to be operating the lemonade stand? Child labor laws.

I just had to OP sorry.

Anyway, one hell of a read and MEGA S&F!

[edit on 7/31/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Excellent points. Life has changed dramatically in the last forty years. We spend our days hacking through a blizzard of lies and red tape. Money is extorted at every turn.
I'm told I have to pay half my income to the government to build roads (among other things). Then I'm told to get an inspection sticker every year, the revenues of which go to "build roads". Then it's time for a new sticker on my liscense plate, the fees for which go to "build roads". Problem is, I'm in Louisiana. Then I re-up my liscense every few years and hand out $25 to "build them roads." Next, fill up the car every week, with a 65 cent tax per gallon for the purpose of "building them roads".
By this point, I'm up to 3 trips to the DMV, figure two hours apeice, and about $750 per year in fees. So I'm in Louisiana, where there should be about 3 million cars. That's $2,250,000,000 per year. Another way to put it, two thousand two-hundred fifty million dollars per year. Really? In Louisiana. And that's just red tape and fees for cars. More to your point. If you're broke, but you child has to go to the doctor, and you get pulled over for say, an expired inspection sticker, you get a ticket. If you're still broke a few weeks later and can't pay the ticket, you go to jail. So yes, government is a giant self-sustaining mega corportation and each of us serves at least four of them (fed, state, county, city. They use the power of police to intrude on our everyday lives.
Haven't even gotten to income taxes, business taxes and accounting, liscensing, compliance, etc. How may hours and dollars does that come to. For me? $$$$$$ and a solid month of my time. Where's the money go? Less than one quarter for the enumerated powers of congress. The rest, it goes to hire people, who make more than lateral folks in the private sector, who redistribute the money that's left after their cushy salaries and fire proof positions, to the folks that don't bother to get out of bed, for the purpose of buying their votes, which is the sole mission of the enterprise in the first place. You know what they say, it ain't paranoia if they really are out to get you.
Fortunately, people are getting pissed and finding some spine. Stay tuned, this is going to get interesting.

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