A most interesting discussion.
Has anyone come across any info to corroborate the claims about the cars being planted?
I think there is a lot of dis and mis info going on concerning this issue, and i find it interesting to note the same straw-men tactics being used int
his thread that I have come across on other forums where this topic is being discussed;
that is, arguing against egregious claims about 'evidence' when all anyone has really offered is pieces of the story.
I think the idea that these were 'police' infiltrators may be misguided. It's not the police who benefit from this as much as it is the defense
contractors who get these billion-dollar security contracts to arm and outfit the police.
I suspect that whoever those guys are, they would certainly benefit from employing some of these so-called 'international anarchist protesters' to
run amok and create a justification for such high security budgets.
It also seems relevant to note that a very similar script seemed to be followed in Vancouver during the 2010 games, where 'black-bloc' tactics were
used to attack large, corporate stores (who would have the minimal damages 100% covered by insurance) while walls of well-armed police in riot gear
stood by passively watching.
To claim these are are 'police infiltrators' is to think far too small. These guys are most likely from much higher up int he food chain.
i look forward to more details from this story to filter out eventually, like the serial numbers from those cruisers, more video from some of the
ACTUAL protesters showing 'black bloc' dressed protesters running behind police lines, etc.
I also found this recent bit of news interesting:
A Windsor man is charged with torching a Toronto Police cruiser during the G20 summit, police said Wednesday. Police also announced that a man
previously arrested in the investigation was rearrested for allegedly breaching bail conditions....
The cruiser had been wrecked and was unoccupied when it was set on fire.
Giroux described the suspect as known to police and “I really don’t know what he was doing here, whether he has a legitimate purpose for being in
the city.”
He said the suspect doesn’t appear to be the usual type of protester — a political dissenter — and is known for criminality by police but
didn’t elaborate.
Nicodemo Catenacci, 41, is charged with arson and breach of probation.
So, they arrested some guy who is known to police for 'criminality' but he isnt known for political activism.
If thats true, it makes one wonder what this guy was doign at the right spot at the right time...
So, does anyone know of any updates on those cruisers?