posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 11:20 PM
Im from uk ,but this is what id do.
If your in an area where the rumors are persistant and there is some sort of crediblity to them"Check with emergency services" ,IF TRUE ,then id
do this,
if you work then take your holidays now, take a month and head out get clear ,if your unemployed head out anyway to a relative/aunt or uncle not in
the afected area .within 4 weeks you should know either way .. just a suggestion of what id do if my kid and wife was living in the gulf.
when this fema evacuates you i reckon they might be ordered to send you were you dont want to be, especially if you have a kid or if you are frail or
so id go for that holiday,GO even if you have had a holiday take another one. but please find out first if the rumors are true.
[edit on 7/2/2010 by dashar]
[edit on 7/2/2010 by dashar]