posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by PsykoOps
Sure...that is a possible outcome. However, if it is not a ploy, then this nearly unprecendented event in American military history would place
Stanley McChrystal in the same category as Benedict Arnold.
In the middle of a War, this guy decided it was appropriate to rip his commanders in a magazine interview...the same people that appointed him little
over a year ago.
I suppose you believe a General telling the Vice President to Bite Me is normal in your world. Or, implying that the President is a coward in the face
of his own Generals; all normal stuff.
For him to even have had the gall to put this out into the world illustrates his utter contempt for the US Constitution and America people and it
won't ever be forgotten.
If it is a ploy, then he did a brilliant job selling seems to me that his loyalty belongs to NATO and not the US Army.
In many other nations' armies or at any other time during history...he'd already be dead for the words that came from his mouth. His continued
existence implies that he belongs to somebody and it would be unlawful to have him shot for treason.
I usually try and save different types of discussions for the appropriate forums, but Stanley McChrystal's firing/resignation for his act of war
against America can easily be understood in relation to the surrender/capture and extradition of Michael Christopher "Dudus" Coke on the same exact
day in Jamaica. At present, both these men are on trial for their actions and if McChrystal walks on this, the Christopher Coke didn't so much as
sell a joint in America, let alone act as a global drug and arms traffacker.
But that may get just above all of your heads.
[edit on 26-6-2010 by bruxfinn]
[edit on 26-6-2010 by bruxfinn]