Originally posted by zerotime
That's freedom - as long as we are talking about adults. I do not take medications, but so what if someone else wants to take a pill to help them
with stress? Why does that effect any of you people? Just because someone takes a medication does not make them an addict and it certainly does not
you better than them. Everybody has a poison. Everybody consumes something that someone else is going to say is "bad" for them. I know many
people who benefit psychically and psychologically from taking some kind of medication.
I don't have a problem with anyone deciding what they want to put into their own bodies. In fact, I think it is complete BS that we have to have a
doctor prescribe us medications and that they have to get permission to do so. No, what I have a problem with, is doctors over eager to pump harmful
chemicals into us, especially when their are less harmful alternatives that the government won't allow us to use, either because it's illegal or
because the doctor would rather push a particular kind of drug for a particular pharmaceutical company. I have a problem with doctors pushing harmful
chemicals on us and there not being anything we can do about it.
For instance, when I was prescribed a whole bunch of pain-killers and anti-anxiety medications, I could have been consuming marijuana that probably
would have worked much better with less side effects and non-addicting, not to mention how much healthier it would have been. I don't smoke or
otherwise consume marijuana because it's illegal but I should be able to do so if I feel that it is warranted. I don't see how the government can
allow me to put all of these harmful chemicals into my body, chemicals that only semi-work and are extremely addictive, yet a natural plant that would
do a much better job, is much cheaper, healthier and which wouldn't require me to see a doctor, is completely forbidden. Why? Because the
pharmaceutical companies have the government by the balls which allows them to push drugs on the public and there is nothing the public can do about
Here's the thing, I'm forced to see a doctor for my health and the doctor himself is forced to get approval from the government. Because we are
forced to go to the government approved agents for our health-care NEEDS, I think it is complete BS that they can act as drug pushers for the
pharmaceutical companies, completely depriving the people of much better and much healthier alternatives. We should be allowed to treat ourselves, if
that's what we feel is best or necessary, to include medicating ourselves with whatever we feel is needed. Life is a basic human right, given to us
by god (regardless of who you believe he or it is or isn't) and the government should not force us to go to their approved agents to keep or improve
our life/health.
During the health care debate, I would always get angry when I would hear people stubbornly say that health-care is a privilege, not a right and that
people should have to pony up their own cash if they want treatment. Well, this line of thinking is wrong, at least from a stand point of liberty.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't have to pay for medical service if we use a service from another person or institution, only that we shouldn't be
forced to use the services of another person or institution. Healthcare is a right, health care service isn't. I should have the right to do
everything in my power to ensure the health of myself and my family. I should not be forced to pay someone else to provide me with healthcare. So, if
you can't afford to pay for your healthcare, you do not have the right to life, therefore the government is depriving us of the most basic right
handed down by god, life. That is the strongest and most blatant form of tyranny
Unfortunately, we are forced to pay others for our right to life, and they are forced to get approval - constant approval - from the government to
provide us with the services necessary for the right to life. Because of this, they should not be allowed to push drugs for drug companies and that is
exactly what they do. People don't have any other choice but to accept the level of healthcare by these government approved doctors and therefore we
have no choice in the drugs and chemicals that they push on us. Sure, you can go see another doctor, but every legal doctor in America is essentially
an agent of the government, as they all have to get approval to perform their services. Ultimately, you have no choice but to see a government
approved doctor so in essence, you have no choice but to accept the treatments dictated by the government, which all too often includes harmful
chemicals that we don't need. It's all about the initiation of force by medical professionals and the government, not the application of force by
the people.