posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 07:46 AM
For anyone who doesn't know, Charles Veitch (Youtube hits of The Love Police/Everything is OK) was arrested in Downtown Toronto this week, for the
non-crime of refusing to present his papers on a public sidewalk. He was being held by the Canadian Police in light of the G20, but recent events have
taken a drastic turn with the US Homeland Security now taking him to a undisclosed location for further "questioning."
Over 1000 people are now on a unofficial Facebook group, petitioning for his release, and the UK Embassy is now also involved (as he is a UK Citizen
by rights.)
Please do all you can to help his release, this is yet another zionist approach to a simple person wanting to have a voice in this world.
001 is overseas country code
Call 001-416-808-7100
for Media Relations
1-416-808-2222 for Toronto Police
1-888-446-4047 for G20 police !!
1-416-593-1290 is the UK embassy