reply to post by bonkera
depends on what you want to communicate, whatever you want to talk about. there are plenty of thread subjects.
i don't use it much, but there is also a chat room like feature at the top of the screen, third from the left below the banner across the top.
you can also put your mouse clicker over someones avatar name and click it, and it will take you to their personal ATS page. Then you can click on
their "posts" near the top of their page and see their most recent posts and what threads they have recently been posting in.
ATS has a great deal of networking & information, and also A LOT of threads venturing into the realms of peoples imaginations, creativity, and just
plane "out there" subjects.
you can also send anyone a U2U (sorta like ATS email) if there is something private you want to talk about, or just say hi.
ATS has alot of nice features, and has grown other aspects i don't even know about yet since i started posting here .... 2005 i think??
be sure to take some time to bounce around to subjects you like as much as you do subjects that you don't. take time to read what is said, and try
to weigh in both ways if you can. when attacking the information you disagree with or think is questionable include your opinion, but also provide
the facts as you understand them and provide information to the contrary if you know of some.
These things will probably help you posting on ATS & BTS (PTS, too).
and do not take negative posts that attack you or your character personally, simply redirect them to the topic of the post and the information.
also, be willing to concede when you may be relying on previously missunderstood information. be willing to think: "well i might have been wrong
when i posted that..."
it happens. we have great posts, and we have not so great posts.
we can author threads that get dozens or hundreds of flags.
we can author threads that get no flags, or only a few.
i have one thread (cryptic and deep from my perspective) in BTS Spiritual and Theological forum that i started years ago. it has more than 50 pages,
alot of information, and only 6 flags. but it is one of my personal favorites, and i have put alot into it. and made a real good friend with
Queenannie38, who has helped me with interesting ideas, and "automatic writing techniques.
hope this information comes as some use to you, and i truly hope your ATS experience is a good one.
remember, you are on my friends list, and we may often agree when we post in threads, but there will be times we can debate on opposite sides of an
issue in certain threads, on certain subjects, and still be friends.
my best advice to stay on my good side is ... don't be a
share how you really feel about things, and try your best to be who you really are, and i will
and have a sense of humor! be a sometimes, the subject matter may require it.