posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 10:17 PM
Hi! I'm Nicole! I heared about ATS when I was in the bookstore and I found the book Above Top Secret. I didn't have enough money to buy it, so I
just read some of it while I was there. I found out the AboveTopSecret was actually a website, so I needed to join immediatly.
I love everything about the Unknown. My heart is in Cryptozoology, the study of hidden creatures. Seeing that I'm only 13, I can only call myself an
amature cryptozoologist. I've read many books and websites based on Cryptozoology, and I've been on mini-expeditions in the woods. I also enoy
learning about the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the theory that extraterrestrials came to earth during the time of the Sumerians and helped the human
race progress, to learn more, I suggest you read Erich von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods.
Anyways, I hope to have a great time blogging with you guys. I've blogged on other forums, but never one as large as ATS. This should be fun . . . .