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Originally posted by Mary Rose
This article, by an anonymous source, says that the actual event in the Gulf was an intentional drill into the "mid side" of an asphalt volcano.
You need to realize that an illusion is only as good as it’s weakest link. All scientific evidence on paper coming from the government, and corporations is being fudged. In the case of this staged, and controlled event that weak link is the oil, or more specifically the tangible tar that can be collected. As I mentioned much of the oil that has been seen, or noticed is tar rather than heavy crude oil. Out at sea closest to the Deep Horizon site, “shrimpers” have been hired to boom the oil/tar together, and set it ablaze. There are several huge fires right now out in the Gulf. The reason is for this is to hide the evidence. The distinct asphalt volcano tar, is actually coated with naturally produced oil eating microbes, and other natural safe guards produced by Mother Earth; these types of organisms are not present in a regular oil well, but commonly in the Asphalt Volcanoes, and large tar flows at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.
Originally posted by Mary Rose
This article,"Asphalt Volcano & BP, Illusion of a False Spill," by an anonymous source, says that the actual event in the Gulf was an intentional drill into the "mid side" of an asphalt volcano.
What BP, Halliburton, and other co-conspirators intentionally drilled into was an Asphalt Volcano. Sounds scary doesn’t it? It really is not. . . . in fact these asphalt volcanoes are a natural part of the ocean ecology, and their eruptions actually benefit the sea life over the long duration of time. . . .
The Asphalt volcano was a win-win situation for this false flag: as it presented the best illusion to all outside parties. Not only do the conspirators need to fool the general public, but also the oil industry, and scientific community. The public is easy to fool, but the latter two groups take a little more effort; this is the main reason why the Gulf is being isolated by security contractors, and military. . . .
To cover the money aspects of this fraudulent event, are somewhat self evident. Primarily, as President Obama (note he’s not very worried, think about it) has just pointed out, they are using this false flag to move forward with the Carbon Tax, followed by Cap, and Trade. . . .
Originally posted by avatar01
How does this theory explain all the oil in the gulf, and the methane, and the "tar balls" washing up on shores?
. . . The first asphalt volcanoes were discovered in 2003 by a research expedition to the Gulf of Mexico. They are located on a seafloor hill named "Chapopote," Nahuatl for "tar." . . .
The tar is relatively hot when it comes out of the seafloor, but just like undersea lava flows, it is quickly cooled by the much colder seawater around it. . . .
Originally posted by Mary Rose
This article,"Asphalt Volcano & BP, Illusion of a False Spill," . . .
Attention Everyone. I think the nation and the world, may be getting duped IN A MAJOR WAY – ALA THE GLOBAL WARMING HOAX. BP is in line to make over a TRILLION dollars on the “Cap and Trade” scam — so why not divest of its Gulf Holdings, and move on to Beyond Petroleum – as its new “Green Logo” shows. (Heyward and other execs dropped their BP Oil stocks, but kept the BP “Green” stocks.) HMMM!
Originally posted by Mary Rose
This article,"Asphalt Volcano & BP, Illusion of a False Spill," by an anonymous source, says that the actual event in the Gulf was an intentional drill into the "mid side" of an asphalt volcano.
From the article:
The large oil spills washing up on the shores are not from BP Deep Horizon. They are indeed from surrounding wells, that were already leaking by design. These wells can be verified through a simple online search. You'll notice that much of the oil is actually in the form of tar. Usually tar balls; sizes of these have reached 2000+ pounds.
Originally posted by Mary Rose
Originally posted by Mary Rose
This article,"Asphalt Volcano & BP, Illusion of a False Spill," . . .
The person who re-published this article from another site, Dr A True Ott . . .
This is the hoax. The spill is finished. It is NOT going to poison the gulf stream, nor kill off the Atlantic Ocean. This is why Obama refused to allow international relief teams to help clean up the mess – they would quickly find out that the oil stream on the surface has now stopped. They would find that the contamination is mostly comprised of “tar balls” of asphalt – and that the crude oil is red largely from the highly toxic Corexit used in the pumping process (to keep the oil thinned and flowing freely.)
This is also the reason for a strictly enforced “no fly zone” over the impacted regions. This also explains why all private efforts to clean up the mess have been ignored. It also explains why BP was so quick to pony up $20 billion dollars in “hush money” to keep the shrimp fleet and fishermen pre-occupied, and why you will be arrested if you venture out. (BP is poised to make trillions from successful cap and trade transfers – so what is a few, mere billions when you also control the dispersion of the funds?) It also explains why Cuba and other Caribbean states have not seen any contamination to date, and why there are so many anomalies in the “official spill video feeds”. See
In short – this is indeed Beyond Ponzi – and moreover, this was NO ACCIDENT!!!