posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 10:59 AM
Ok, I'm a big sucker for spicy food, so let's have a thread for it.
I'm new to gardening and growing, but I've been growing some chili plants for a couple of years and this year my mother gave me some new plants -
trouble is I don't know what they are, although mummy says she thinks the picture on the seed packet had red chili's on it, so guessing they're not
ripe yet.
They're doing really well in this summer and I've got lots of chili's on the plants that are looking quite healthy.
If anyone could help me identifying this, that'd be awesome.
Sorry, about the poor embedding
...and bad photo, will try again tomorrow.
Anyhoo, chili talk anyone?
[edit on 24/6/1010 by jokei]