posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 10:06 AM
OK, here is what i think....
The existence of a GOD or GODS is irrelevant to human existence, nor does it matter how we were created, all that matters is that you are here and
what you do with your time being mortal/ physical.
To further support this,
In order for God to be God god must be able to be all things, and god must be able to take whichever form it chooses, and be able to fit what each
individual person believes whether it be Yahweh, Allah, Father Son and Spirit, The Goddess and Horned God etc, etc, etc.... So your prayers would be
better off going to angels and such
Also, for God to be God it must be completely neutral... and thus all beings created by God starting out as neutral, then being given free will,
deciding for themselves to do destructive (Bad/Evil) acts, or beneficial (Good) acts.
Further on if you believe god created all spiritual beings, then it would have been they themselves who decided to be good or evil, just as all other
living beings do, so in the "Apocalypse" it will not be God and angels vs Devil and demons with human picking which side to be on. Rather it would
be Angels (Likely led by Michael and the other Arch Angels) vs Demons (Likely led by Lucifer and other entities that follow him) with humans picking
to live in a world of destructive force or beneficial....
And the last piece of knowledge i can share now is that it does not matter which religion or book you follow at all. Bc/ if you do believe in a "GOOD
GOD" you could easily see that all gods are the same wanting only for their peoples to be happy and safe. And also the same being....
EX: Christianity, Jews, and Islams all believe in the same god (as pointed out by OP) they are all based upon the Old Testament... So god the father,
yahweh, and allah are all the same being... So contemplate this old piece of wisdom, "ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME", easily becomes, ALL PATHS LEAD TO
Regardless of how you get there all paths lead to the same entity, so stop fighting over it!!!
Dont want any comments from xtians saying no bc/ you completely screwed yourself with the trinity god thing... bc since its 3 persons acting as one if
they worship one aspect they involuntarily worship all 3... Cool isnt it
I believe Jesus to have been the smartest MAN to ever live. (Believing in Alchemy and that humans were once able to perform feats of "magic") Jesus
made use of these talents, realizing that humans needed to be united in order to survive, and claimed himself to be the son of God. (Giving people a
tangible being to see as GOD, and performing "miracles") What you all need to realize is that we are all the sons and daughters of god.... If it is
so that god created all life, good, neutral, or bad, and god being good, neutral, or bad... Part of god was/is transferred into everything so
technically you are part god, and part his sons and daughters, so anyone can easily say that they are the son of god or God himself/herself....
Sorry its so long and feel free to message me