posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 12:44 PM
I think that other than Earth... There is life on Mars and Europa, as well as on Triton ( May not have life now but will in the future ). I also
believe life way be on the caps of Mercury and in some places on Venus. I see life on other planets different than ours. We have adapted and evolved
with OUR environment. Perhaps on some planets life doesn't breath Oxygen and drink water... Maybe the drink Liquid methan or nitrogen or something
and breath neon or hydrogen or something. I am almost certain that we will find evidence of Past life on Mars, and believe that there is currently
life dwelling in the under-ice oceans of Europa. I have also read something about Neptune possibly being suit for life, but I highly doubt it, for
it's atmosphereic pressure is so great, it literally rains diamonds. And it also doesn't have a solid surface.