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Swine Flu Back With a Vengence??

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posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:05 PM

H1N1 swaps genes with other pig viruses: scientists

TORONTO — Scientists from Hong Kong are calling for ramped-up surveillance of pig populations after discovering a new swine flu virus that is a hybrid of the pandemic H1N1 virus and viruses previously found in pigs.

The discovery of the virus, found early this year in a pig taken to slaughter in Hong Kong, suggests what experts have feared: the H1N1 virus may reassort easily with other viruses in pigs.

That's a process that could generate new flu viruses that might have the capacity to sicken humans, they warned, noting two viruses high on the pandemic watch list -- H5N1 and H9N2 -- are occasionally found in swine in Asia.

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posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:06 PM

This gene trading raises the risk of creating more virulent strains as pigs are regarded as mixing vessels for flu viruses as they are susceptible to human, avian and swine strains of influenza.

"The 2009 pandemic [virus], although mild and apparently contained at present, could undergo further reassortment in swine and gain virulence," researches from Honk Kong University and Shantou University Medical College in China wrote, CIDRAP News reports.

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posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:20 PM


As if we didn;t have enough to worry about.

Right let me be the first to launch the counter disinfo campaign!.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:35 PM
The hell? Most people who even moderatly followed the "pandemic" last year already knew that the swine flu re-assorting with another virus was always a possibility. Especially since people and livestock travel all over the world relatively fast.

They made sure to cram that fact down our throats along with the rest of the mass fearmongering campaing they had going on last year.

So my question is why is this even news? Are they covering their butts because THEY have created a new combined deadly virus?

Or is this just a prelude to next years mass vaccination hysteria?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:42 PM
My guess is that this was made in a lab to further the agenda of population control.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 09:52 PM
They totally made it in a lab. They are always conveniently losing viruses and such in the "mail" and then they don't get them all back. Then a couple of months later, a new flu happens. At least in Canada we didn't have to go through forced vaccinations like in some of the states. That was just insane. Except that our vaccine, though not forced upon us, was the one with the squalene. Also insane.

Stock up on Vitamin D again.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by madmax8

Any information about China been manufacturing a vaccine?

Seems to me that if I survived the swine flu all this years (as swine flu has been around for a century) I will survive the next round just fine.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by snowspirit
At least in Canada we didn't have to go through forced vaccinations like in some of the states.

Ha! No, they weren't forced, but I work in the healthcare industry, and it was "you don't have to get the shot, but if you don't we can't let you have any shifts".

I know I know, they are trying to protect the vulnerable, but it was an ultimatum that left me with no choice. I had to take the shot if I wanted to continue to be able to work. If I don't work, I can't pay bills, rent, food ect.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Hatcookie

Originally posted by snowspirit
At least in Canada we didn't have to go through forced vaccinations like in some of the states.

Ha! No, they weren't forced, but I work in the healthcare industry, and it was "you don't have to get the shot, but if you don't we can't let you have any shifts".

I know I know, they are trying to protect the vulnerable, but it was an ultimatum that left me with no choice. I had to take the shot if I wanted to continue to be able to work. If I don't work, I can't pay bills, rent, food ect.

That's really crappy, and now we might be in for another round. I'm lucky I live in the middle of nowhere, and don't have to work, my husband is a truck driver, and we loaded him up with vitamin d, green tea, and ginseng. My son and grandson both got the flu in BC, before the vaccine was available, thankfully they come from tough stuff.

They keep fiddling with this d@mn flu, I was hearing horror stories from parts of Europe last time, hopefully that strain doesn't show up.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 01:58 AM
Explanation: S&F!

Swine flu outbreak in remote community []

The Northern Territory Centre for Disease Control says there has been a swine flu outbreak in a remote Arnhem Land community.

The centre says 29 cases have been reported in Nhulunbuy, 600 kilometres east of Darwin, in less than a fortnight.

Dr Peter Markey says it is hard to be certain, but he believes the outbreak has reached its peak.

"A couple of people came into hospital but that was all," he said.

"They only stayed a day or two.

"So far there haven't been any serious cases with this cluster."

He says Aboriginal people with health problems are at high risk from swine flu.

"It still can be a pretty severe illness, particularly in those people with the other conditions - pregnant women and Aboriginal people," he said.

"They are the ones who can get seriously ill with it."

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