posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:09 AM
OK - a primer. Clif and those guys analyze linguistic trends posted all over the internet and pick out statistically significant memes that sometimes
are spookily accurate. One of these terms that started showing up several months ago was [OIL VOLCANO].
They don't have context, just suggestion and those guys try to interpret them to see if any trends might show up in the next few months.
This month's report continues to associate [RADIOACTIVE] with [OIL VOLCANO]. (parentheses are my thoughts - nuking the well maybe?)
Next, there are still hot topics about [Israel Attack on Iran], [Radioactive], [Glass] over [four major cities in Israel]. (Keep in mind, no
context, just a lot of internet chatter.)
Earthquakes - [Crescendo Pattern] (starting in August), [Gulf of Mexico], [agony], [populace] (of the Gulf.
Scary stuff - [Revenge Assassinations] over the oil/planet crisis late 2010/2011 on those [presumed] guilty of [murdering] Terra.
[Engineered wave of assassinations] against [jesuits] [zionists] [roman catholic papacy] (internet words, not MINE).
Oil well continues to cause problems into August. [ill winds] tied to the [oil volcano] will kill wildlife. (maybe a hurricane?)
I will stop for a breather so you can discuss. Entertainment purposes only. Skeptics welcome but party-poopers can take a hike.