posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:06 AM
Check out ( if you are in a country that can get it) Naome Kleins article entitled " A hole in the world" The Guardian on Saturday news paper p
It was for the 19th of June but I bet the ones who know how can google it. She's blown the cover on all kinds of political and environmental issues
in the past (read 'The Shock Doctrine') and is a higly respected author and activist.
You ask how this happened in the first place? The following might give you some insight... Sitting on (the now ex CE of BP) Tony Haywards desk, is a
plaque which reads, "IF YOU KNEW YOU COULD NOT FAIL, WHAT WOULD YOU TRY? ( He told this to a group of grad students from Stanford University)
As Klein says, ".. Far from being a benign inspirational slogan...(it's) an accurate description of how BP and its competitors behaved in the real
And this from Sarah Palin - "Let's Drill, baby, drill, not stall baby, stall!"
These are the kind of people we're dealing with -
Enough said