posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash
You know, when 911 was being cleaned up, they kept having "air people" around saying it was okay. Well, turns out it wasn't okay, and many rescue
workers are permanently ill, and others dead from respiratory disease.
So, what if they did know? Was the thought process "well this has to be cleaned up even if some citizenry has to become ill to get the job
But then why weren't they suited up with respirators, or scuba gear, or something, if they knew the debris was toxic?
Because the residents would see it and panic?
Would I be shocked if this happened at the Gulf? Hardly. But like you, I don't think it will be intentional.
There is also "personal" responsibility. We don't have to wait for the government or BP to "declare" anything safe or unsafe. Use your heads,
and do your own evaluation. The information's out there.
One thing for sure....anybody who is pregnant needs to leave and stay gone for a while.