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Is Area 51 just a Smoke-screen?

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posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:44 PM
I must agree, Area 51 is merely there for show, I HIGHLY doubt anything is going on there that is 'Alien Related' yes maybe back when it FIRST happened it took place there however with the amount of eye's and ear's on that place there's no way they'd be doing it there still, Honestly if I we're to hide something highly top secret I'd put it somewhere you'd last think of looking for it, Like in the middle of a city or someplace directly under the public's nose, If you think about it, The public is so focused on Area 51 they won't even think about trying to look elsewhere for some kind of UFO research facility.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:48 PM
Yes, as a matter of fact, I have written numerous articles, technical papers, and books (I won't bother listing them all here but I'll link a few of the most important ones). I have given public presentations at a variety of symposia, conferences, and conventions. I have also appeared on more than a dozen television programs including Inside Area 51, Mystery Hunters, Return to Area 51, Modern Marvels, Atomic Journeys, Man-Moment-Machine, MysteryQuest, and others. Last year, I assembled an exhibit called "Relics of Dreamland: Memorabilia from Area 51" that was displayed during the Spy Planes of Groom Lake symposium at The Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas.

I have also investigated crash sites of experimental aircraft from Area 51 and presented the results at conferences, Area 51 alumni reunions, and in "X-Plane Crashes – Exploring Experimental, Rocket Plane and Spycraft Incidents, Accidents and Crash Sites" (Specialty Press, 2008). If you don't want to look for the book, visit:

Because of my work as an historian, I became an associate member of Roadrunners Internationale (the Area 51 alumni organization) to help record members’ stories before they are lost forever.

Here is a link to my historical overview of Area 51:

On of the biggest myths about Area 51 is that the facility was not officially acknowledged by the government until 1995. This link documents some surprising results of my research:

While many historic Area 51 test projects have been declassified, this link reveals some of the programs that still remain to be unveiled:

For a detailed report on one relatively recent program that was declassified:

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:58 PM
Thank you some interesting stuff.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:19 AM
I really have a hard time understanding the Groom Lake disbelievers, even though you can climb Tikaboo and see the base, watch the Janets arrive, etc., but then countless numbers believe in Dulce without one shred of proof. Hard evidence versus fairy tales, yet the fairy tale wins.

if I get motivated, I'll update my back gate page. Lots of road paving gear out there the last time I visited. Oh yeah, I forgot, they are just paving the roads for show.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 02:39 AM
Here are the photos of the road construction gear stashed at the back gate. I wasn't going to bother uploading them until the "smokescreen" thread started. As you can see, they have continued the Groom Lake road paving project at the back gate. I wouldn't have bet they would pave that road due to the distance to the base.

road construction gear at the back gate

New buildings, new roads, clearly Groom Lake is a base that is expanding and not in any sort of caretaker status.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 02:39 AM
Here are the photos of the road construction gear stashed at the back gate. I wasn't going to bother uploading them until the "smokescreen" thread started. As you can see, they have continued the Groom Lake road paving project at the back gate. I wouldn't have bet they would pave that road due to the distance to the base.

road construction gear at the back gate

New buildings, new roads, clearly Groom Lake is a base that is expanding and not in any sort of caretaker status.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by gariac

How does this prove a conspiracy, perhaps shadowhawk can tell us what it is or might be?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 11:37 AM
I think the point that gariac is making is the same as mine. We are not trying to "prove a conspiracy." There is no conspiracy. The Groom Lake facility has a very straightforward history, much of which is well documented in material available to the public (and much which has yet to be declassified).

In this thread we are objecting to the ridiculous notion that the Groom Lake base is merely a diversion, a "smoke screen" for public consumption to hide the "real" secret base. The claims that make the rounds on the Internet include:

1. Nothing is actually happening at Area 51, it's just a sham.
This is obviously absurd as there is a vast amount of evidence to the contrary. Analysis of aerial and satellite imagery, ground-based observations, documentation, and personal interviews reveal use of and improvements to the base infrastructure in support of ongoing test programs.

2. Area 51 is just used to test airplanes and weapons but "all the good stuff is somewhere else."
For some of us, the airplanes and weapons are the good stuff. Moreover, it's the stuff that is tested at Groom Lake. That is why the base was built in the first place. Any other kind of research is not related to Area 51 and never has been.

3. Area 51 has closed and all its operations have moved to Utah and Colorado.
That urban legend grew out of a poorly researched article by an incompetent journalist. Operations at Groom Lake have continued and expanded. The Army and Air Force have completely separate operations in Utah and Colorado that have nothing to do with Area 51.

Even if there were other secret projects going on elsewhere, the government would not intentionally use Groom Lake as a "smoke screen" to draw peoples attention. That would be detrimental to all of the high value programs going on at Groom Lake. Popular interest in Area 51 has caused a great deal of trouble for the Air Force and other government agencies. Ground and flight tests have been delayed or cancelled due to unauthorized observers outside the edge of the range. In the mid-1990s, the Air Force seized nearly 5,000 acres of public land in order to remove some of the most popular viewing spots. More recently, a government agency cancelled a contract to use an outlying field because of information posted on the Internet.

Despite these problems, the Groom Lake base continues to serve its purpose: test and evaluation of aircraft, weapons, and related equipment. Base facilities have been improved and expanded. Contaminated areas have been cleaned up. A brand new fleet of 737 aircraft transports a large number of employees to and from Area 51 every day. There is no conspiracy. There never was.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 11:41 PM
"More recently, a government agency cancelled a contract to use an outlying field because of information posted on the Internet."

I suspect the outlying field in question is Basecamp.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by gariac
"More recently, a government agency cancelled a contract to use an outlying field because of information posted on the Internet."

I suspect the outlying field in question is Basecamp.

Probably so, that field is right next to a road, and a very major news story a few years ago came out because of photos taken of aircraft at Basecamp

[edit on 26-6-2010 by firepilot]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by gariac

road construction gear at the back gate

New buildings, new roads, clearly Groom Lake is a base that is expanding and not in any sort of caretaker status.

Great pictures. Now, I don't usually post here, but something caught my eye. In the last picture (it has the stop sign), are those bullet holes in the middle? Like I said, I don't usually post, but I saw that and got curious.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
reply to post by DesertShadow

I have noticed that you and Shawdohawk are both fanatics when it comes to Area 51, its all your posts seem to be about or at least most of them. So it is reasonable to assume that your minds have already been made up that there are things going on there. Neither of you will like my idea because it would mean that your main conspiracy interest, is nothing more than disinformation. Also it’s quite interesting to compare your threads you both seem very interested in Area 51 but have completely different takes on what’s going on there.

You can have your "ideas", but others here like Shadowhawk have actual real information about the history of that base.

I know that kind of information and history would be boring to people who have space alien fantasies, and who believe that anyone who does not acknowledge the UFO talk doesnt really know what the are talking about.

People who actually know the real history of the place are not "fanatics", they are people interested in the REAL history, and not something from UFO conspiracy websites. I would say the real FANATICS are the ones who make up bizarre claims and impossible stories, all with no actual evidence of it, and refuse to believe anything to the contrary, even in the face of actual evidence.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by firepilot]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

I've always thought this too since Area 51 is under so much scrutiny maybe the REAL secret stuff is on some other really unknown base or they moved it there.

Would make a lot of sense, anyway.

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